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What Should I Know About Divorce

There are many important things to keep in mind when starting a divorce, such as creating financial reserves, seeking out financial assistance, and contemplating…


Handling Contempt Proceedings

Family law matters are not finished just because the judge issues a final order, many times. Many final orders court often require that certain…

Family Law

Choosing the Right Family Law Attorney

Nowadays, we’re presented with innumerable choices and it can be hard to identify the “right” choice. With so many options out there, it’s important…


Informal vs Court Initiated Child Support Payment…

Child support payments can be modified to assist those who are experiencing financial difficulties. A problem arises though when a court-ordered child support payment…


Your First Day in Divorce Court

One of the most common themes we see repeated with our clients is an overall fear or anxiety surrounding divorce, specifically with the court…

Father’s Rights

What Are My Rights As A Father?

Courts are forbidden from favoring the mother when making child custody decisions, but unfortunately, many judges often still see the mother as the more…

Property Division

How Does Divorce Affect a Business?

Two of the most common binding contracts between people include marriage and business partnerships. If you are considering divorcing someone with whom you own…


Can I Get an Annulment in Colorado?

Annulment is a legal concept that makes a determination about marital status. Unlike divorce, which dissolves a legally valid marriage, an annulment in Colorado…

Prenuptial Agreements

Should I Get a Prenuptial Agreement?

Getting married is a big decision. If you’re considering marriage, you may have heard the term “prenuptial agreement” (“prenup” for short). In short, a…


Serving Divorce Papers Via Facebook?

One Court in New York recently allowed serving divorce papers to your spouse through Facebook. It’s a huge leap forward in the arena of…


Popular Divorce Myths

The term “divorce” evokes a variety of stereotypes and assumptions. Every divorce is unique, and these presuppositions can cause unnecessary confusion. If you’re considering…

Family Law

Possibilities for Young Lawyers in Colorado

I’ve been asked to write about “possibilities for our bar” and address “what young lawyers are looking for in a bar section” and “what…

Family Law

Midnight Moves - Family Law Doughnut Hole

All too frequently, I see parents in a situation where the kids have been moved without notice. One parent unilaterally decides to up and…

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