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Where To File For Divorce In Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs, Colorado, divorce filings can be complex and time-consuming. Even if you and your spouse agree on the terms of your separation, you’ll need to file the right paperwork and visit the correct courts in order to finalize it. If you and your spouse are unable to reach a settlement on the property, child custody, or other issues related to your impending divorce, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a family law attorney. Understanding where to file for divorce in Colorado Springs is the first step in completing this process.

Where Do I File For
Divorce In Colorado Springs, CO?

In El Paso County, once you have completed your petition for divorce you must file it with the Court Clerk. The Court Clerk can be found in the El Paso County Judicial Building. The address of the El Paso County Judicial Building is:

270 S Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

How Much Are The Divorce
Filing Fees In Colorado Springs?

Whether you are filing for dissolution of marriage or for legal separation you will need to pay a filing fee.

In Colorado Springs, the filing fee for a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) and legal separation is $230. Additionally, it costs $116 to file the answer to the petition. Payment to have the dissolution of marriage personally served can cost between $50 and $70. You can review all of the court filing fees here.

Modern Family Law Compassionate Innovative Respected

Our Colorado Springs Divorce Lawyers Are
Ready To Listen

Our experienced divorce lawyers in Colorado Springs have the knowledge, resources, and dedication to prepare your case and protect your interests to find the best possible outcome.

Is There A Waiting Period Prior To My
Colorado Springs Divorce Being Finalized? 

In Colorado Springs, there is a mandatory 90-day period from the time of filing for dissolution of marriage where couples are required to work through their marital issues or attempt to reconcile prior to their petition for divorce being finalized. If all marital issues are agreed upon, 90 days is the shortest possible time frame for a divorce to be completed in Colorado Springs.

The experienced Colorado Springs divorce lawyers at Modern Family Law can help you navigate any questions regarding divorce in Colorado Springs.

Meet Our Team Of Experienced
Colorado Springs Divorce Lawyers

divorce lawyer

Craig Valentine
Managing Partner
Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs Senior Attorney Chelsea Hillman

Chelsea Hillman
Senior Attorney
Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs family lawyer Jackie Collins

Jackie Collins
Associate Attorney
Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs family lawyer

Kresten Hendrix
Associate Attorney
Colorado Springs, CO

Modern Family Law

Modern Family Law’s team of experienced Colorado divorce lawyers takes a compassionate approach to the practice of family law. Using innovative technology to create an effective and efficient process for our clientele, our attorneys approach each case as a collective effort to find the best long-term solutions for each family. For more information please give us a call or fill out a short form online to sign up for a free consultation today! Let us make a positive difference in your life.

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