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Pets In Divorce An Overview For Colorado Pet Owners

Separating two lives that have been legally intertwined can be a big undertaking, especially when it comes to dividing property, making child custody decisions, determining support obligations, and more. But what happens to pets? What does the law say about how pets are treated in divorce? While child custody is well established by the court system, many people are less familiar with what will happen to animals.

Where Does Todo Go?

These days, pets are treated like members of the family, which can certainly complicate things when a married couple decides to split up. While this matter is not always clear cut in the eyes of the law, pets are considered personal property and are subject to equitable distribution. If the pet was acquired during the marriage, it is considered a marital asset that is equally owned by both spouses. Both spouses will have to come to a decision on who will take the pet, or see if there is another suitable home the pet can be relocated to. If a decision cannot be reached, the matter will have to go before a judge.

Some judges may not wish to make decisions in cases involving animals. Others may agree to make a custody decision based on the best interests of the animal (for example, granting custody of a large and active dog to the spouse with plenty of space to meet the dog’s needs). While one owner will be granted full ownership of the pet, provisions can be put into place to split future vet bills or arrange visitations.

Knowing what to expect can improve your chances of securing the outcome you want for your beloved pet. If you are considering a divorce in Colorado, turn to the Colorado lawyers at Modern Family Law for legal advice. With more than a century of combined experience, we have the legal know-how to assist you with even the most complex divorce and custody matters.

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Posted May 11, 2016
by: MFL Team

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