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Prenuptial Agreements

The Difference Between Cohabitation and Prenuptial Agreements

In an effort to work closely with clients, it is important to understand not only what problems may be going on at present, but…

Mother’s Rights

Mother's Rights and Parenting Time: Do Moms…

Clients faced with parenting time issues often ask where the court’s loyalty lies when it comes to who gets custody – does the court…


Keep an Indisputable Record of Maintenance and…

In the event that you become responsible for paying child support and/or spousal maintenance, it is essential that you keep a detailed record of…

Non-Traditional Family Law

Gay Marriage is Finally Legal in Colorado!

On October 7, 2014, gay marriage was legalized in the Mile High state. Paradoxically, that happened because the United States Supreme Court…. did nothing.…

Non-Traditional Family Law

Marriage Equality in Colorado - Part Three:…

In parts one and two of our Marriage Equality in Colorado series, we focused on why we have two institutions recognizing the lawful and…

Non-Traditional Family Law

Marriage Equality in Colorado - Part Two:…

In part one of our Marriage Equality in Colorado series, we focused on how Colorado came to the point where we had two institutions…

Non-Traditional Family Law

Marriage Equality in Colorado - Part One: Marriage vs Civil Unions

The legal landscape for same-sex couples in Colorado is changing at a rapid rate. The recent whirlwind of activity places the relationship status of…

Property Division

Bankruptcy and Divorce: A True Fresh Start

We’ve all heard the phrase “drowning in debt.” We’ve also heard the phrase “treading water.” If, when it comes to your debt, you are…


Facebook, Marriage, and Divorce

A little while back I wrote about Facebook and Relationships. Continuing that trend, let’s talk a little bit about Facebook, marriage, and of course,…


What To Expect When You're Expecting... A…

If you ask anyone, divorce ranks as one of the most stressful events in anyone’s life. Regardless of whether or not you have kids,…

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