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Family Law

Can Men Be Victims of Domestic Abuse?

Like women, men can also be victims of domestic abuse. It isn’t as easy to identify, for a number of reasons, but it can…

Property Division

Why Do Celebrity Marriages Seem to Always…

Not too long ago, millions of viewers tuned in to see Tom Cruise jump up and down on Oprah’s couch, professing his love for…

Early Assessment

Marijuana Use in Custody Battles

In many ways, Colorado is a testing ground for the expansion of marijuana use and many other states are watching closely to see how…


mCouple: A Divorce Lawyer's Take on the…

In the current age of technology, we have GPS, voice recorders, and now, a new app, entitled “mCouple” which is an application that can…


Divorcing an Absent or Uncooperative Spouse

In divorce proceedings, parties are sometimes not able to locate their spouse. They may have separated years ago and no longer know where the…

No-Fault Divorce

Limited Options for Colorado Spouses Not Wanting…

Colorado is a no-fault state and couples can get divorced for any reason so long as one person feels the marriage is irretrievably broken.…

Protection Orders

Nobody Deserves to be Abused

“It was only that once.” I’ve heard that before. You’re fighting with your spouse, it gets heated, and he or she hit you. But…


The Divorce Mission Statement

The divorce mission statement may seem a little ridiculous at the onset of your journey. Your goal for getting divorced seems pretty obvious: to…

Protection Orders

Domestic Violence: Safety Planning When Filing for…

I’m getting ready to leave and maybe even divorce my abuser… now what? The average domestic violence victim tries to leave seven times before…

Non-Traditional Family Law

SCOTUS May Consider Same-Sex Marriage Cases

According to USA Today, “[the] Supreme Court has scheduled same-sex marriage cases from five states for consideration at its Sept. 29 private conference, indicating…

Grandparents Rights

Do Grandparents Have Custody Rights According to…

Whether a child is a baby, or just about to turn a teenager, he or she is caught between a stressful and confusing situation…

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