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Informal vs Court Initiated Child Support Payment…

Child support payments can be modified to assist those who are experiencing financial difficulties. A problem arises though when a court-ordered child support payment…

Protection Orders

Understanding Protection Orders: A Comprehensive Guide

Protection orders, commonly referred to as restraining orders, are legal decrees issued by a court to protect individuals from harm or harassment. They are…


Your First Day in Divorce Court

One of the most common themes we see repeated with our clients is an overall fear or anxiety surrounding divorce, specifically with the court…


Default Judgment Divorce Option

When a spouse is uncooperative and refuses to participate in the divorce process, a legal tool called a default judgment divorce may help end…

Father’s Rights

Father’s Rights Attorneys

Some legal practitioners promote themselves as father’s rights attorneys, by providing services to men pursuing a divorce or need representation with child custody. But…


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Divorce

The divorce between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt symbolizes the struggles many Americans experience during divorce. Money and fame aside, both parties are experiencing…

Early Assessment

Ultimate 50/50 Parenting Plan Guide

When couples with children decide to divorce, they’re often challenged by their new post-divorce relationship. And if the relationship ends contentiously, forming a workable…


The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce in Colorado

Many people confuse legal separation and divorce. But there’s a considerable difference between these two legal terms. Both options serve to separate couples in…

Early Assessment

How Family Courts Protect a Child's "Best…

Divorce results in a big change in the family dynamic. While every member of the family is certainly impacted by these changes, kids often…

Father’s Rights

What Are My Rights As A Father?

Courts are forbidden from favoring the mother when making child custody decisions, but unfortunately, many judges often still see the mother as the more…

Property Division

How To Safeguard Your Business In A…

With all of the time, energy and resources you have put into it, your business is probably the most valuable asset you own. What…

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