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Support Your Ex: Spousal Maintenance

Divorce cases can be complicated, and no two cases are the same. However, there are some issues fairly common to many divorces. One such…

Father’s Rights

Religious Upbringing: The Law and Child Rearing

Many people have religion in their life and religion plays a big part in who they are. For many people with religion in their…

Family Law

Religion and Family Law: Thou Shalt Not…

Religion is important to an extremely large number of people — it shapes their belief systems, provides a framework for how they interact with…

Family Law

Automatic Temporary Injunction: Violations

In any divorce or legal separation case, the court will issue an automatic temporary injunction. The automatic temporary injunction requires the parties to continue…

No-Fault Divorce

Automatic Temporary Injunction: Prohibitions

When parties begin a divorce or legal separation, lots of things can change. The automatic temporary injunction can be a burdensome circumstance imposed on…

Property Division

Automatic Temporary Injunctions

Any time a divorce or legal separation case is started, there are significant changes that can occur. For some, it’s a step towards relief.…


Avoiding Conflict Through Frugality and Compromise

While family law cases have a tendency to get out of control sometimes, they most certainly don’t have to be. We certainly have seen…


Saving Money in Your Family Law Case

Just about everyone who comes into our firm has questions about the legal process–how long the process takes, how the process works, or what…


Mediation Can Save You Money

Costs of a family law case can quickly add up, particularly if you are unwilling to work toward a resolution with the Opposing Side.…


Third Parties: Getting A Helping Hand

When it comes to legal matters, as you may be aware, things can get complicated. Sometimes, due to the issues involved in a case,…


Third Party: Post-Decree Coordinators

There’s a trend seen in family law cases. Sometimes after a case is over and determinations finalize, people seem unable to move on. Even…

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