24 results
Early Assessment
Parental Responsibilities: RestrictionsDisputes regarding parental responsibilities are some of the most common cases that come through domestic relations courts. Most parents want to have involvement with…
Early Assessment
Child Custody: A Dying Phrase in ColoradoWhen you hear people talk about issues involving children, you are likely to hear the word custody being thrown around pretty frequently. However, in…
Third Party: Post-Decree CoordinatorsThere’s a trend seen in family law cases. Sometimes after a case is over and determinations finalize, people seem unable to move on. Even…
Family Law
Substance Abuse in Family LawNo matter your circumstances, chances are you know someone who struggles with or someone who has struggled with, substance abuse issues. Now for that…
Parenting ExchangesFor separated couples with children, occasional interactions with one another are often a reality of daily life. Because these couples typically will have some…
School Choice in a Divorce: Part 2In our last blog post, we discussed some of the considerations that may influence the determination of school choice in a divorce. In this…