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Divorcing an Absent or Uncooperative Spouse

In divorce proceedings, parties are sometimes not able to locate their spouse. They may have separated years ago and no longer know where the…

No-Fault Divorce

Limited Options for Colorado Spouses Not Wanting…

Colorado is a no-fault state and couples can get divorced for any reason so long as one person feels the marriage is irretrievably broken.…


The Divorce Mission Statement

The divorce mission statement may seem a little ridiculous at the onset of your journey. Your goal for getting divorced seems pretty obvious: to…


Requesting Attorney’s Fees and Costs in Domestic…

In most domestic relations cases, either one or both parties request their attorney’s fees and costs are paid by the other party, and in…


Long-Term Effects of Divorce Agreements

During the dissolution of marriage, it is essential that you consider the ramifications of any agreement, or court order for that matter, in good…


Divorce and the Impact of Cancer

For years now, our firm has followed the health impacts of divorce on men and women and noted the disparity between the sexes. Yet…


Celebrity Chef Cat Cora: Parental Rights for…

Denver divorce attorneys can help gay and lesbian parents in issues like child custody and visitation rights. Take the case of celebrity chef Cat…

Property Division

Bankruptcy and Divorce: A True Fresh Start

We’ve all heard the phrase “drowning in debt.” We’ve also heard the phrase “treading water.” If, when it comes to your debt, you are…


Facebook, Marriage, and Divorce

A little while back I wrote about Facebook and Relationships. Continuing that trend, let’s talk a little bit about Facebook, marriage, and of course,…


What To Expect When You're Expecting... A…

If you ask anyone, divorce ranks as one of the most stressful events in anyone’s life. Regardless of whether or not you have kids,…

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