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LLP Monthly Report – Issue 7

Introduction to Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals

The Colorado Licensed Legal Paraprofessional (LLP) initiative is a pioneering program authorized by the Colorado Supreme Court, creating a new class of legal service providers. Although not attorneys, LLPs are licensed to undertake specific legal tasks, such as preparing documents, collecting information, and offering basic legal guidance. This initiative aims to make legal services more accessible across Colorado. (See CRCP 207.1). 


The pool of data on income collected as part of financial disclosures continues to be small and subject to large swings as more data comes online. We’re comparing this LLP data to the average income of clients hired by our lawyers during the same period,  July 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025.

average income LLP clients January 2025
average income of attorney clients January 2025

Notes on data:  Since this data is collected as part of a client’s mandatory financial disclosure, it often takes weeks or even months after hiring the firm to populate into our system. 


During the first seven months of LLP practice, we‘ve observed robust hiring with our LLPs being directly hired on 120 cases.  

types of LLP cases

Of these 120 new clients, most were generated organically.

Hire Geography (Zip Codes)

LLP hire geography

Hiring continues to originate mostly from rural areas.  New LLP hiring is most concentrated in the areas around Fort Collins and Colorado Springs, tending to indicate a preference for LLP services in rural communities; however, additional data and data points will be needed before anything other than anecdotal conclusions can be made.

As more data becomes available, we’ll analyze hires to population to see if there’s any preference in rural areas for LLP services.

Cost of Entry

One objective of the LLP program is to lower the cost of entry for consumers.  Less upfront expense helps consumers retain legal assistance from the start.  This is particularly important in communities where the cost of legal services is generally out of reach.

While there exists some national and statewide data on the costs associated with family law representation, there does not appear to be data on the cost of entry.  Accordingly, we will use a comparison of the cost of entry for cases inside our firm where a lawyer is designated as primary versus where an LLP is designated as primary.

Average Cost of Entry (Retainer)  

Attorney Listed as Primary $3,015 

LLP Listed as Primary $1,917

July 1 – January 31

Seven months into the LLP program, the average cost of entry for consumers is 36% lower for those hiring an LLP.

Note: The cost of entry at our firm is heavily impacted by the SimpleStart program which can reduce a client’s retainer to $0 if the client’s credit/income/assets demonstrate low risk.  These averages cannot be compared to other firms without a similar program.  The program is available to all firm clients, regardless of whether an attorney or LLP handles the matter, so an internal comparison is instructive.



LLP hire demographics - age January 2025


LLP Hire demographics - race

Average Total Ticket Price - Closed Cases

With considerable caveats, we’re releasing preliminary data on the final cost of LLP cases compared to attorney-represented cases for the same period. Today’s data comes with the following warnings:

  • Data includes early termination scenarios (client changes mine/ reconciles/etc.)
  • Some matters were mostly complete at the time of retention
  • The ratio of closed cases to open cases is small (26 closed LLP cases out of 120)

We debated releasing the data at all since it’s not instructive of the real average cost but decided that the emerging divergence in cost between the two classes of service providers was important to note.

In our experience, the total cost of a Colorado family law case with a lawyer is approximately double the amount reported below so we expect these numbers to substantially change over the next few months.

With these caveats and qualifications, the emerging divergence in the total cost of CLOSED cases indicated that clients retaining an LLP will pay 36% less when their case is finalized than those retaining a lawyer.

Average total ticket price LLP

Average Matter Duration

Matter duration is likewise impacted by the small data set of closed LLP cases since July 1, 2024. However, the emerging difference between attorney cases and LLP cases open within the last 7 months is minor – 82 days for LLP cases and 89 days for attorney cases.

Client Satisfaction

Insufficient data to report as none of the cases have closed yet.  Once a case closes a client satisfaction survey is sent to all clients.  That data will appear here for comparison between the two types of service providers, attorneys and LLPs.


The data contained in this report is generated by our proprietary case management software which tracks data points for all matters regardless of whether those matters are assigned to an attorney or an LLP.  This allows the firm to compare the two groups from any point in time to determine similarities and differences such as those reported below.

Data is collected at the time the client retains the firm, as part of the financial disclosure process, and at the conclusion of the matter.

Where actual data is compared to forecasts, the forecast is based on historical performance, growth trends, staffing, and other resources as well as team input.  Forecasting used in this report is generally done monthly.

Modern Family Law

Modern Family Law is proud to lead the way in providing accessible legal solutions through Colorado’s LLP program. Whether you’re navigating a complex family matter or seeking guidance for the next step in your case, our Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals in Colorado are here to help. With their expertise and dedication, LLPs make quality legal representation more attainable than ever. Learn more about how this innovative program can benefit you by visiting our LLP program page.

By: MFL Team

Posted March 03, 2025


Colorado LLP

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