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Child Support

If I Make $2,000 A Week How Much Child Support Do I Pay?

Child support is designed to secure the financial well-being of children following parental divorce or separation. For individuals earning $2,000 per week, understanding how this income affects child support payments is important.

Here, we will provide an overview of child support calculations in Colorado, California, and Texas, with considerations for common-law marriage situations.

General Principles Of Child Support

Child support calculations primarily consider parents’ incomes, number of children, custody arrangements, children’s financial needs, and each parent’s financial ability. The goal is to maintain the child’s standard of living post-separation.

Child Support Calculation In Colorado

Colorado uses the Income Shares Model to determine child support. For a parent earning $2,000 per week ($8,666 monthly), estimated payments could be:

    • One child: Approximately $1,115 per month
    • Two children: Approximately $1,642 per month

Child Support Calculation In California

California also uses the Income Shares Model but considers the state’s high cost of living. For a parent earning $2,000 per week, estimated payments could be:

    • One child: Approximately $1,200 per month
    • Two children: Approximately $1,800 per month

Child Support Calculation In Texas

Texas uses a percentage-of-income model for determining child support:

    • One child: 20% of net income (approximately $1,600 per month)
    • Two children: 25% of net income (approximately $2,000 per month)
    • Three children: 30% of net income (approximately $2,400 per month)
child support statistic

Common Law Marriage Considerations

Common law marriage can impact child support calculations:

  • Common Law Marriage in Texas: Texas recognizes common law marriages. Child support obligations are the same as for formally married couples.
  • Common Law Marriage in California: California doesn’t recognize common law marriages but may recognize them if established in other states. Child support is determined based on parentage, not marital status.

It’s important to note that while common law marriage can affect property division and spousal support, child support obligations remain based on parentage rather than marital status.


Child support laws are designed to balance the financial contributions of both parents in a way that supports their children’s needs after separation or divorce. Given the variability in state laws and the specifics of each case, understanding the basic principles and standard calculations in your state is a crucial first step. However, for precise calculations and legal advice, consulting with a family law attorney is strongly recommended.

Navigating the complexities of child support can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. Modern Family Law’s SimpleStart program is designed to provide you with expert guidance from the very beginning of your family law case. By mentioning the SimpleStart program when you speak with our attorneys, you can ensure that your case gets off to the right start with a tailored strategy that fits your unique situation.

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Modern Family Law

At Modern Family Law, we blend our deep understanding of divorce’s complexities with a commitment to guiding you down the right path, tailored specifically to your unique circumstances. Our seasoned team of family lawyers is ready to explore different options with you, offering the personalized guidance, support, and answers you need. We leverage innovative technology to streamline the legal process, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the best long-term outcomes for your family. Practicing across Colorado, California, and Texas, our compassionate family attorneys view each case as a chance to make a positive, lasting difference in your life. To embark on a journey towards resolution with care and precision, contact us for a consultation, and let us address your needs and concerns every step of the way.

By: MFL Team

Posted July 10, 2024

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