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How To Work With Your Divorce Attorney

When faced with divorce it is obvious to most that you will want to partner with the best possible divorce attorney to help guide you through this difficult time. However, what isn’t always clear is that regardless of how accomplished your divorce lawyer is, you need to be able to effectively work with them in order for them to properly represent you and your best interests. Understanding a lawyer’s expectations and everyone’s role in a divorce will lead to a successful partnership and the best possible outcome in your divorce. Here are some tips on how to work effectively with your divorce attorney to ensure you get the most out of your partnership.

Provide Information Quickly & Concisely

When you begin working with your divorce attorney they are going to request information and will have questions so they can best represent your interests. It is crucial that you respond quickly to their requests and answer them as thoroughly and succinctly as possible.  Complete, clear, and concise answers not only help your divorce lawyer in providing you with the best possible representation, but it will also help you save costs as the attorney won’t need to bill you for the extra time it would take them to sort through long answers or reach back out to you for clarification.

Some of the information your divorce lawyer will need to know includes your specific goals for the outcome of your divorce, personal information about your family, financial information regarding assets & debts, as well as legal documents. Gathering and preparing some of this information ahead of time can ease some of the stress involved in your divorce and will go a long way in ensuring a successful partnership with your attorney.

Don’t Withhold Relevant Information

Withholding information from your divorce attorney is never in your best interest. Your case as well as your attorney-client relationship will likely suffer if you lie or withhold information. Lawyers understand that there may be some information that is difficult to share. However, it is their job to help you deal with and mitigate any damaging information involved with your case. The last thing you want is for your representation to be blindsided by the information you didn’t think would come to light.

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Have A Realistic Vision

No matter how great a lawyer is, he or she cannot promise you a set outcome for your divorce. Your lawyer can provide you with a range of probable outcomes, but if you are envisioning something significantly different, you may have a tough time getting what you are seeking. If your lawyer advises that your goals aren’t realistic and that you will have a hard time achieving them through negotiation or litigation, you should probably heed their advice. You may have to change your aims to something more realistic in order to get the best possible outcome for your case.

Have Clear Expectations

The day you hire your lawyer, you should both have a clear understanding of what you want and expect from each other. Your lawyer should offer you a written contract that lists the terms of your lawyer-client relationship. Your lawyer should create a strategy after learning about your case and they should clearly explain all of your options and recommend the most logical paths to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family’s future. It is important to be flexible and understand that the original strategy may need to be adjusted as time passes, to account for what your ex and his or her lawyer do.

While a good divorce lawyer will do all they can to get you the outcome you are seeking, they will sometimes have to share unwelcome news with you. This is to be expected and while you may feel disappointed, don’t take it out on your lawyer. They will continue to adjust as the proceeding go on and will fight for your best interests. You should always expect your lawyer to respond to you in a reasonable time and t0 always consult with you prior to taking any action in your case.

Going through a divorce is never easy for anyone involved. The best way to ensure that your case ends in a favorable manner is to build a great working relationship with your divorce attorney. Understanding what to expect from your lawyer, being honest and open about the details of your case, and providing information quickly will help you achieve the best possible outcome and will save you money.

Modern Family Law

Modern Family Law’s team of experienced divorce lawyers takes a compassionate approach to the practice of family law. Using innovative technology to create an effective and efficient process for our clientele, our attorneys approach each case as a collective effort to find the best long-term solutions for each family. We understand the financial burden a divorce can have on an individual. As such we have created our industry-first SimpleStart™ program, providing people a chance to reduce the amount of money needed upfront to start their case. For more information please give us a call or fill out a short form online to sign up for a free consultation today! Let us make a positive difference in your life.

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