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Child Support

How Is Child Support Determined In Colorado?

Child support is the cost a non-custodial parent pays for the care and maintenance of their child. The amount of child support paid by one parent to another is determined by a number of factors, including each parent’s earnings, the cost of raising a child, and time spent with the child. To ensure that parents pay an appropriate amount for their child’s needs, courts use specific guidelines when determining how much one party will pay to another.

What Factors Are Considered
In Colorado’s Child Support Formula?

The Colorado child support statutes (COL. REV. STAT. §14-10-115) specify how courts deal with Colorado child support cases. The formula uses the gross incomes of both parents to establish a basic child support obligation, then divides the obligation between the parents according to their shared total parental income.

A parent who does not work at all or only part-time can have their earning potential imputed upon them by the court. This means the court can estimate what a parent could earn if he or she worked full-time. Parents who are full-time students working toward a degree or certificate, or parents caring for a young child less than 30 months old, may not be imputed with earnings.

child support statistic
child support statistic

How Much Will My Colorado
Child Support Payments Be? 

According to Colorado child support law, COL. REV. STAT. §14-10-115, the amount of child support owed is calculated by applying a percentage (roughly 20% for one child and an additional 10% for each additional child) of the parents’ combined gross income to their child’s needs. It is then split between both parents, if financially feasible, according to their financial resources and needs.

The below child support calculator can provide you with a good idea of what your support payments might look like. These are only an estimate and are intended to be used as a starting point for considering what child support payments in your unique case might look like. To receive a more accurate idea of these payments, schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Colorado child custody attorneys to discuss the details of your case.

Colorado Child Support Calculator

Want More Than
An Estimate?

Our experienced family law attorneys understand that no case is the same. We encourage you to reach out and share the details of your case with them so they can provide you with a better idea of your unique child support payments.

Use of our calculators does not constitute legal advice. We do not guarantee that the results will be the same as other programs, nor accept any liability from your use of a calculator. Modern Family Law has done extensive testing to ensure accuracy, however, we make no representations that the results will be the same in court. You should always hire your own lawyer to determine accurate, customized results. Because of frequent changes in State statutes and case law relating to the functioning of these calculators, Modern Family Law and any and all persons or entities involved in any way in preparation of our website disclaim all responsibility for the legal effects or consequences of the interpretation of the information provided.

Colorado Child
Support Calculator

Want More Than
An Estimate?

Our experienced family law attorneys understand that no case is the same. We encourage you to reach out and share the details of your situation with them so they can provide you with a better idea of your unique child support costs.

Use of our calculators does not constitute legal advice. We do not guarantee that the results will be the same as other programs, nor accept any liability from your use of a calculator. Modern Family Law has done extensive testing to ensure accuracy, however, we make no representations that the results will be the same in court. You should always hire your own lawyer to determine accurate, customized results. Because of frequent changes in State statutes and case law relating to the functioning of these calculators, Modern Family Law and any and all persons or entities involved in any way in preparation of our website disclaim all responsibility for the legal effects or consequences of the interpretation of the information provided.

Modern Family Law

Modern Family Law’s team of experienced Colorado divorce lawyers takes a compassionate approach to the practice of family law. Using innovative technology to create an effective and efficient process for our clientele, our attorneys approach each case as a collective effort to find the best long-term solutions for each family. For more information please give us a call or fill out a short form online to sign up for a free consultation today! Let us make a positive difference in your life.

By: MFL Team

Posted July 10, 2024

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