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Everything to Know About Military Divorce in Colorado

Divorce is a complicated process from dividing assets and agreeing on parenting time, to spousal maintenance and contested separations. Many factors make divorce cumbersome and stressful. Unfortunately, getting a divorce gets even more complicated and difficult for the brave men and women (and their spouses) who serve our country and protect our freedoms, daily.

With six military installations and approximately 34,117 active duty military members currently stationed in the state of Colorado, the family law attorneys at Modern Family Law have handled their fair share of military divorce cases and are well-versed on all the intricacies that separate them from civilian divorces.

“If you are considering dissolution, schedule a consultation with an attorney who understands the nuances involved in a military divorce,” said Ashley Hughes, managing attorney at Bringing Justice Home. “The first question either one of you should ask is if the attorney has experience in military divorce or custody issues. Even if an attorney is well-seasoned but doesn’t have an adequate background, the individual may be losing the right to request something they could be entitled.”

Our military divorce lawyers have compiled a wealth of information about the different aspects of navigating the divorce process as an active duty service member in Colorado to help if you’re considering filing for a divorce.

What is Different?

“Military divorces go through the same process as any other divorce,” said Jay Cranmer, senior associate at Modern Family Law. “While they are certainly different, it’s the same process.”

While military members and their spouses go through the same procedures as civilian couples when filing for divorce, there are some additional considerations during the divorce proceedings. For example, military personnel and their spouses are entitled to retirement pay or a pension that is considered a divisible asset, most military members are stationed in a state other than the one they claim residency in, and there are several laws and statutes that dictate how military divorces can be handled.


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Which State to File In

In every divorce case, the court will first determine if it has subject matter jurisdiction, meaning it is the appropriate court to hear the case. In the state of Colorado, the law requires that at least one of the members in a military partnership be a Colorado resident for at least 90 days before filing for a divorce to be within jurisdiction.

For a service member to be considered a Colorado resident, their LES (Leave and Earnings Statement) must indicate Colorado is their state of legal residence. Additionally, they must have a Colorado driver’s license or other proof of residencies such as voter registration or proof of property ownership. Being stationed at a Colorado military installation is not grounds for residency on its own.

For military spouses, having a Colorado driver’s license and being physically located in the state are the two main factors for determining residency. It’s legal for a military member, or their spouse, to seek Colorado residency with the intent to file for divorce within the state, but the residency change must be completed at least 90 days before filing for a divorce.

What Is the USFS Protection Act?

The Uniformed Services Former Spouse’s Protection Act (USFSPA) passed in 1982 to give former military spouses the right to a share of a military member’s retirement pay. In Colorado, military retirement payouts are considered a “marital asset” and are therefore subject to division during a divorce proceeding. Military retirement is often one of the most valuable assets in a Colorado divorce.

In 2016, the National Defense Authorization Act (Section 641) changed the way military retirement pay can be divided. The Act states that a former spouses’ share of the pension will be “frozen” or locked in place at its current value at the time of the divorce. This means that future promotions or service extensions that may increase the pension amount will no longer be considered when dividing the pension.

“The most surprising thing for service members is deciding what to do about their retirement pay,” Hughes said. “Most aren’t in paid status and aren’t receiving retirement at the time of divorce. However,  their retirement may still be considered marital property, and some Federal Statutes and guidelines govern what, if any portion, can be considered marital property and divided.”

The 10/10 Rule

A military member’s retirement pay may be split during a divorce without taking into consideration the length of military service. The USFSPA also states that the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) will automatically pay the former spouse’s share of the military pension if they were married for at least 10 years at the same time that the military member was in service. This is often referred to as the “10/10 rule”.

This rule does not mean that couples that are divorcing prior to the 10-year mark do not have to (or cannot) split the military pension. It only means that after 10 years the retirement will be cut automatically by the DFAS, and the former spouse will be paid directly rather than their spouse writing them a check.

Hunt/Gallo Formula

The Hunt/Gallo formula is the equation used to determine how much of a service member’s retirement pay is considered a marital asset. It is calculated by taking the total number of months of marriage that overlap the military service and then that’s divided by the total number of months of military service at retirement. A civilian spouse is entitled to one-half of the marital portion of a service member’s retirement pay as determined by this formula.

A recent Supreme Court ruling regarding the distribution of military retirement and elected disability payments from the Veterans Administration has added another difficulty to navigate regarding the division. Modern Law Family lawyers are continually researching new rulings so nothing will be a surprise to them or their clients. “Ultimately, we are still learning how this ruling will be incorporated with the courts, and it’s certainly something that will be part of a lot of cases coming up,” Cranmer said.

The Relief Act

The Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is designed to provide certain protections for military members who are active duty or deployed. The Act allows military members to postpone or suspend certain civil obligations while deployed so they may devote their full attention to duties without causing extra stress for their family members back home.

The civil obligations that a service member is able to postpone due to the SCRA include paying outstanding credit card debt, mortgage payments, pending court trials, paying taxes, and the termination of a lease.

Since the SCRA applies to pending court trials, a deployed service member may use the Act to postpone a divorce that he/she does not want. This act does not mean that the service member’s spouse can never file for a divorce, but that the case may be postponed until the service member returns from deployment, plus up to 60 days afterward.

However, if a deployed service member does not wish to contest the divorce, they may waive their protections under the SCRA and be held in “default,” allowing the proceedings to continue without them.

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Maintenance for Military Divorces

With all of the extra allowances that make up a big portion of a military member’s pay, determining the correct spousal maintenance amount in military divorce cases requires a clear understanding of the military pay system. In Colorado, all items on an LES (including base pay, the Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)) are considered income when determining spousal maintenance obligations.

VA disability payments are also included as income for the purpose of determining the obligation. Disability payments may not be divided as a marital asset, but since they are intended to provide support for both the military member and their family, the VA payments may be defined as income for a child and spousal maintenance purposes.

Once finalized, a military member’s BAS and BAH are likely to reduce since their spouse and children are no longer considered dependents. If the decrease is significant, the military member may ask that their child and spousal maintenance obligations be re-evaluated to coincide with their new decreased income.

An Obligation for the Military

If a divorced service member fails to pay spousal maintenance, there are certain procedures in effect to ensure that the former spouse receives the proper support. In Colorado, the court has the power to order payments be subtracted from a service member’s paycheck so that the former spouse receives a check directly.

In addition, all branches of the military have regulations requiring their members to support family members after separation in the absence of an official court order to do so. However, this is a temporary fix and does not replace a formal court order mandating child or spousal maintenance payments.

A former spouse may seek assistance from the service member’s commander, the local JAG (Judge Advocate General) office, or the inspector general if the service member fails to meet their obligation.

Parenting Plan Considerations

Colorado does not favor either the mother or a father more in determining who will receive the primary parental custody after a divorce. However, a civilian mother is often the person who takes on the primary caregiver role in military families, since almost 85 percent of armed service members are male.

With military members working long hours and frequently traveling for TDY’s (temporary duty) and deployments, they typically face many obstacles when it comes to taking on full parental responsibilities. However, the court is still obligated to examine each parent’s ability and willingness to provide care for the child and take the best interest of the child into consideration. This means that a military member can be deemed the primary parent when they provide the best care for the child. The military member needs a clear plan for the care of the child in the context of a busy military lifestyle.

If it’s deemed the civilian spouse the primary parent, they typically have parenting time and decision-making responsibilities for the majority of the year. For the service member in this situation, their parenting time would most likely be allocated during summer and other school breaks.

A common post-decree custody issue that occurs is when a service member may be deploying. The service member needs to consider who they would like to provide care for their children if deployed, and the non-servicemember spouse needs to similarly consider who will care for the children should the other parent deploy. Non-military families do not need to consider these areas.  But where one party is active duty military or has the potential of deploying, it’s critical.

Dual Military Divorces

When two active duty military members with children make the decision to divorce, allocating parental responsibility becomes slightly more difficult. In a contested case, the court will have to determine which military parent can best serve the interests of the child. If both parties wish to be the primary parent, the court may appoint a CFI or PRE to evaluate the situation and recommend a solution for a parenting plan.

Both parents may also come to an agreement in which they both play an active parenting role in the child’s life. If this happens, both parents can work together to handle deployments and other factors of military life that may prohibit one parent or another from taking on full parenting responsibilities at certain times.

Impact on Benefit Plans

The Survivor’s Benefit Plan (SBP) is a retirement pay program available to retired military members that allows them to provide support for their spouse and children should they pass away. Upon the service member’s death, the military will deduct a partial amount of their retirement check every month and distribute it to their surviving spouse and children. A spouse will receive 55 percent of the retirement check until he/she reaches the age of 62.  At that age, it reduces to 35 percent due to eligibility for Social Security payments.

In divorce cases, a divorced spouse is eligible for coverage by the SBP as a potential beneficiary. This can quickly become a highly contested issue. This is because payments for SBP payments deduct the majority of a retired service member’s disability check.

It’s important to keep in mind there is a one-year statute of limitations for filing the proper paperwork with the military after an award of SBP coverage. If the paperwork is not timely, the military refunds SBP payments and deducts it from the service member’s paycheck. The refund goes back to his/her estate and pays the former spouse nothing.

Navigating the Process

Going through a divorce is tough, especially with all of the stresses of military life. Fortunately for military members and their spouses, free legal advice and assistance are available via each installation’s legal assistance office. These offices are there to help, but can only provide legal guidance for one spouse or the other. They can not help both, due to a conflict of interest.

JAG officers are also available as a resource for military members and their spouses considering divorce. They can help spell out the legal implications of your divorce case. However, they cannot represent you as an attorney in a family law court. They can, however, refer you to a civilian family law attorney, such as Modern Family Law.

The Colorado family law attorneys at Modern Family Law are knowledgeable in military divorces. We are ready to help.  Don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case with one of our divorce attorneys in Denver or Colorado Springs.

Modern Family Law

Modern Family Law’s team of experienced family law attorneys takes a compassionate approach to the practice of family law. Using innovative technology to create an effective and efficient process for our clientele, our attorneys approach each case as a collective effort to find the best long-term solutions for each family. Our attorneys currently practice in Colorado, California, and Texas. Click the following link to view all of our family law locations. For more information please give us a call or fill out a short form online to sign up for a free consultation today! Let us make a positive difference in your life.

Posted September 12, 2017
by: MFL Team

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