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Empathy In Action: Diana McCormick’s Sales Strategy At MFL

In this interview, Diana McCormick, Sales Manager at Modern Family Law, sits down with Marketing & Communications Manager Caroline Germano to discuss her role, approach, and vision for supporting both clients and attorneys. With over two decades of experience, Diana brings a compassionate and client-focused approach to sales, breaking down stigmas and fostering meaningful connections. Her work at Modern Family Law exemplifies the firm’s commitment to providing a supportive, trustworthy, and empathetic experience for clients navigating some of life’s most challenging moments.

A Journey To Client-Centric Sales

Caroline: Can you tell us about your background and how you became the Sales Manager at Modern Family Law?

Diana: Over the past 20 years, I’ve held sales management roles across various industries—communications, insurance, healthcare, and tech. In each role, my motivation has remained the same: to positively impact others by genuinely helping them. 

My passion for support led me to pursue a master’s in learning design and experience, complementing my bachelor’s in marketing. This combination allows me to develop a holistic approach that focuses on both business growth and team development.

When I found the Sales Manager role at Modern Family Law (MFL), it aligned perfectly with my skills and passions. This role enables me to leverage my sales experience while fulfilling my desire to teach, coach, and mentor. Moreover, Modern Family Law’s mission to help people start over with integrity and compassion resonated deeply with me. Joining a company committed to guiding people through challenges with empathy felt like the ideal opportunity to make a meaningful difference.

Redefining Sales In Legal Services

Caroline: What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your position, and how do you overcome them?

Diana: One of the biggest challenges I face is overcoming the stigma associated with the word “sales.” Let’s be honest—when people hear “sales,” they often think of someone who’s pushy, aggressive, and solely focused on closing deals. But that’s not the approach we take here, and it’s certainly not what I teach the attorneys.

My role is to help attorneys see that sales in our world is about connection, not coercion. Once they understand that this approach is about building relationships rather than using high-pressure tactics, they fully embrace the process. This leads to more meaningful conversations and a richer learning experience for both attorneys and clients.

Creating A Supportive Client Experience

Caroline: How do you ensure that our potential clients feel supported and confident from the initial contact to becoming clients?

Diana: I love this question because it’s at the heart of what we do at Modern Family Law. From the initial conversation with our intake team to the handoff to our attorneys, ensuring the client’s journey is smooth and supportive is my top priority.

It all starts with active listening. I teach our attorneys that it’s essential to put away all distractions and really focus on the client’s story. Family law is such a vulnerable area—people are discussing things they might not even feel comfortable sharing with close friends or family, so clients need to feel heard and understood.

Next, effective communication is key. I remind our attorneys that, while they may have been through this process dozens or even hundreds of times, it’s likely the first time for the client. Explaining our processes clearly, outlining our role, and giving clients the space to ask questions and process their thoughts is crucial. This transparency empowers clients and builds their confidence.

Finally, we emphasize consistency – honoring commitments. If you say you’ll check in, follow through.  Consistency builds trust, and that’s what reassures our clients that they’ve made the right choice in working with us.

Helping Attorneys Connect With Clients

Caroline: What are some common mistakes attorneys might make during initial client calls, and how do you help them improve?

Diana: A common mistake is making assumptions about what the client may need before fully hearing them out. out. Attorneys might rush into offering solutions or outlining legal steps without fully understanding the client’s concerns, which can make clients feel unheard or rushed.

My approach is to guide attorneys to step back and focus on listening first. While outlining the legal process is important, it’s equally essential to acknowledge the client’s emotions and provide reassurance. We work on balancing legal expertise with empathy, ensuring the client feels genuinely supported.

Caroline: What do you enjoy most about coaching attorneys at Modern Family Law?

Diana: What I enjoy most is connecting with each attorney on a personal level, beyond their legal roles. This allows me to tailor a unique learning path for each individual, aligning their growth with their personal strengths and professional goals. This personalized approach makes the coaching process more impactful and meaningful.  

I’m fortunate to work with such a dedicated team, and I feel privileged to help them shine. Whether it’s refining their skills, celebrating their wins, or simply sharing a laugh, I truly enjoy every moment of working with our amazing team at MFL.

Advice for Aspiring Legal Sales Professionals

Caroline: What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue a career in legal sales and client relations?

Diana: If you’re considering a career in legal sales and client relations, my advice would be to find a company whose values align with your own.  

When I joined Modern Family Law, I quickly realized why I was a good fit. Our CEO’s vision was never about driving aggressive sales tactics, but about delivering the best experience for our clients while supporting our attorneys with the training they need. The legal field is demanding, and the stakes are high. Make sure that the leadership and support team at your chosen company truly understand and embrace this responsibility and work to support not just their clients, but their staff.

The Role Of The Intake Team In Client Success

Caroline: How do you manage the intake team to ensure a seamless experience for clients from their first interaction with the firm?

Diana: I’m truly fortunate to work with such a dedicated intake team here at Modern Family Law. From Hope, our Lead Intake team member who has been with us for over five years, to the newest additions who joined this year, everyone shares a deep commitment to our clients and our team. Their focus is on ensuring a smooth and positive journey for every person they encounter. They’re always ready to adapt and make necessary changes to enhance our service, and in turn, they’ve taught me a lot about what it means to be the frontline for a national law firm. 

I’m actively involved in continuously reviewing and refining our processes, removing any obstacles that could impact our effectiveness. Ensuring that we have clear communication between our intake team and attorneys is vital for passing along information and ensuring a smooth transition. I am always striving to support our team in delivering outstanding service and creating a seamless experience for clients from their very first contact with us.

Proud Moments & Transformative Impact

Caroline: What has been your proudest achievement since joining Modern Family Law?

Diana: One of my proudest achievements has been establishing myself in a role that wasn’t traditionally recognized in this field.  When I joined, there was some skepticism about how sales would fit into a legal setting. However, I knew that if I demonstrated the value of a consultative, compassionate approach to sales, we could create a process that aligned with our attorneys’ values.

Over time, our attorneys have come to see that this approach is about building trust and providing the best possible experience for clients. Seeing them reach out for guidance and embrace this approach has been incredibly rewarding. Together, we’re changing the culture, one step at a time.


Diana McCormick’s role at Modern Family Law goes beyond traditional sales, focusing on empowering clients and supporting attorneys through a compassionate, relationship-driven approach. Her dedication to redefining the sales process in the legal field helps create a supportive environment for both clients and the firm, building trust and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding. Diana’s insights and passion for client relations exemplify the values of Modern Family Law, leaving a lasting impact on the firm and the individuals they serve.

By: MFL Team

Posted October 10, 2024

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