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Domestic Violence

Long-Term Effects of Domestic Violence

As Denver divorce attorneys, we have seen many legal situations that deal with domestic abuse. It is a fact that 1.3 million women are victims of domestic abuse in their lifetime, a statistic that needs attention. Most of these domestic violence cases are not reported to the police because usually, the person involved is embarrassed about the situation. If you don’t have the police protecting you, then who will?

It is up to you to get out and be free from a violent relationship. This is especially true if you have loved ones who are being harmed as well. If you decide to stay, you may be asking for negative long-term effects that can wear on your mind, body, and soul. Or, you can decide to take action. To understand how staying in an abusive relationship can affect your life, Modern Family Law has listed some long-term effects:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A terrifying event, such as an abusive relationship, can trigger this devastating mental health condition. Common symptoms that are associated with domestic abuse can include flashbacks to a time when the situation got out of control, nightmares, anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts. It can take time and support to cope with this condition, but with professional help and support from friends and family, the reactions will become better.

Dealing with Depression

The feeling of depression can result in a person feeling hopeless, sad, and like they have nowhere to turn. This feeling can also result in weight loss and loss of energy. When the feeling is severe, many people may experience suicidal thoughts. It is important to understand that there is professional help. If you or someone you know is experiencing these thoughts, please refer to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-TALK.

Physical Injuries

Along with long-term mental conditions, people who are experiencing an abusive relationship may also sustain painful injuries. Evidence of domestic violence can include bruises that may seem like they have come from punching or choking. There may also be bruises from defending oneself. Bruises may be hidden; however, they may also be seen on a person’s wrists, arms, face, and neck.

Even after the abuse has ended, a person may experience trauma after ending the relationship. Physical effects that are common among domestic abuse survivors include muscle tension, changes in sleeping patterns, loss of appetite, and chronic fatigue.

What to Do If You’re a Victim

If you or someone you know is, or has experienced physical or mental abuse from their spouse, it is important to understand that it is possible to overcome violence. The first step in recovery is to call 911. From there, you can request a temporary protective order in the Denver County Courtroom. You can also attend a protective order clinic at the courtroom for Project Safeguard. There are many resources for victims of domestic violence in our area:

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence – (303) 831-9632

Project Safeguard – (303) 863-7233

Colorado Bar Association — Family Violence Program – (303)-860-1115

Posted January 20, 2015
by: MFL Team

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