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Family Law

COVID 19 Updates

It’s been over a year since our lives changed due to the historic COVID pandemic. While we see the light at the end, there are still some considerations to be aware of when it comes to your family and the courts.

Our Office’s Status

We are open for in-person appointments. While our team will remain work-from-anywhere for the foreseeable future, our attorneys and support staff are here to care for you. The only difference you may notice is the lack of the hustle and bustle in the office space when you visit. However, don’t let that fool you; we’re hard at work. Our entire team will be vaccinated by Oct 15th, 2021 for the safety of everyone.

Phone Consultations: Always & Anytime
Video Consultations: Always & Anytime
In-Person Consultations: By Appointment

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Current Court Status

Courts are starting to open as usual across the country as the pandemic slows down and allows us all to get back to some form of normalcy. Regardless, it’s essential to check with your courthouse to see their specific guidelines related to Coronavirus and their openings. Every jurisdiction can vary. Below is a list of links to help you find your court’s status.

Colorado (links to all courthouses):

California (links to all courthouses):


Your Case & COVID

Uncertainty around Coronavirus is still unsettling, but we want you to know our team is up and running 100%. With our extensive use of technology, our staff is uniquely equipped to be completely remote. We transitioned 99% of our employees to a remote setting in March of 2020. We’ve never looked back.

As the courts begin to open to regular operations, our process will become more efficient. Rest assured, your work never stops. It’s important to review your billing every two weeks to align with the charges. We never overbill, but mistakes happen. Please, check all bills and communicate with your legal team.

Please reach out to your local office if you have questions or concerns about our COVID safety procedures:

Posted March 09, 2021

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