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Marital Settlements & Appeals: A Guggenheim Case Study

Divorce is a challenging process, often compounded by legal complexities and high emotions. At Modern Family Law, we understand the difficulties of separating lives legally, and we strive to provide clarity and support through each step. A significant case from a Texas appeals court, Guggenheim v. Guggenheim, sheds light on the complexities of marital settlement … Continued

Understanding Family Court Appeals In Colorado

Family court decisions can have a significant impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones. Whether it's a divorce, custody arrangement, or child support order, these decisions can shape your future and that of your family. It's essential to understand what family court decisions can be appealed in Colorado and the appeals … Continued

My Predictions on the Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark gay marriage case which should answer the question of whether the Constitution requires states to a) allow same-sex couples to marry and b) if not, whether it requires the states to recognize those marriages legally performed in states that do…