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The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce in Colorado

Many people confuse legal separation and divorce.  But there’s a considerable difference between these two legal terms. Both options serve to separate couples in a marriage, and both options are enforceable by the courts, but only one choice permanently ends a marriage. Simply put, legal separation physically divides the marital estate without ending the marriage. … Continued

6 Questions to Ask Before You Get Divorced

According to statistics, roughly half of marriages end in divorce. If you’re married, this statistic has probably crossed your mind. If you’re considering a divorce, take a step back and think about the following factors before finalizing your decision. Like marriage, divorce will change every facet of your life – for better or for worse…

Thinking About Divorce?

According to an analysis of over 10,000 Facebook status updates, a peak break-up time each year is the two weeks leading up to Christmas. If you find yourself contemplating divorce, you are probably engaged in a complicated emotional process. Even if you’re not sure you’re ready for a divorce, it might be helpful to speak…