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Pregnant & Unmarried: Your Parental Rights Explained

Bringing a child into the world is an exciting yet complex journey—especially if you’re unmarried. Many parents assume that custody and parental rights begin at birth, but legal considerations can arise even before the baby arrives. If you’re pregnant and unmarried, understanding your rights early can help you make informed decisions about your child's future. … Continued

Paternity Testing Demystified: What You Need To Know

Establishing paternity is an important process for many families, carrying significant personal and legal implications. Whether it’s confirming biological ties for peace of mind, securing a legal basis for child custody, or fulfilling responsibilities like child support, understanding paternity can be vital for all parties involved. This article breaks down the essentials of paternity testing … Continued

Establishing Paternity in Washington: What You Need to Know

Establishing paternity is a crucial step for many families in Washington, especially for unmarried parents or those uncertain of their parental rights and responsibilities. Determining paternity not only defines the legal connection between a father and child but also brings significant benefits in terms of custody, support, and access to family medical history. Here’s what … Continued

Paternity vs APR

When two people have a child together but later decide to separate, establishing parental responsibilities can become complex. In cases involving uncertainty about the father’s identity, issues around paternity and the allocation of parental responsibilities (APR) often arise. Here’s a guide to understanding how paternity actions and APR cases differ and why each is significant. … Continued

5 Things To Know About Paternity In Texas

Paternity is the legal recognition of a father-child relationship. When a father acknowledges his child and takes steps to become their primary caregiver and financial provider, it’s called establishing paternity. If you are in a child custody case or if you have reason to believe that another man may be the father of your child, … Continued


Family law cases can be extremely diverse from one another, and no two cases are quite the same. Some cases may possess more traditional or common characteristics, while others may be substantially nuanced and unique. For cases involving children, many involve some sort of assertion of parental responsibilities. However for some cases, there may be … Continued

What Are My Rights As A Father?

Courts are forbidden from favoring the mother when making child custody decisions, but unfortunately, many judges often still see the mother as the more significant influence in a child’s life. Fathers have rights too, though, and should be aware of them if they hope to be involved in their children’s lives. Those who are fighting…