Like women, men can also be victims of domestic abuse. It isn’t as easy to identify, for a number of reasons, but it can be a serious threat. If you are being abused, or if you know someone who is being abused, there are ways to identify the signs. There are also helpful resources should you need them.
Domestic abuse can take many forms including physical, sexual, and emotional, and can occur to people who are involved in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. When first entering a relationship, your partner may seem protective, attentive, and generous. At first, you may not think much of it, but over time, it can progress to be frightening, resulting in abuse.
After the first incident of abuse, your partner may apologize and even make a promise never to hurt you again. However, what may have seemed like an isolated incident of slapping or shoving, turns into a continual pattern of violence. Before it’s too late, you can save yourself physical and emotional damage by identifying the signs of abuse and asking for help.
The most important thing to realize is that you don’t have to stay in your abusive relationship. If any of these signs register, please feel free to contact us for help.
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