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Mediation Can Save You Money

Costs of a family law case can quickly add up, particularly if you are unwilling to work toward a resolution with the Opposing Side. One way to help keep your case affordable is to use mediation to its fullest potential. In Colorado, parties are required to participate in mediation for any contested issue in family…

Third Parties: Getting A Helping Hand

When it comes to legal matters, as you may be aware, things can get complicated. Sometimes, due to the issues involved in a case, it can be helpful to seek the assistance of a third party like Child and Family Investigators (“CFI”) or Parental Responsibility Evaluators (“PRE”). In domestic relations or family law matters, third…

Handling Contempt Proceedings

Family law matters are not finished just because the judge issues a final order, many times.  Many final orders court often require that certain actions are taken. However, just because a court orders something, doesn’t necessarily mean that people always comply.  You can take steps to make a party comply with a court's orders.  This … Continued

Choosing the Right Family Law Attorney

Nowadays, we’re presented with innumerable choices and it can be hard to identify the “right” choice. With so many options out there, it’s important to make an informed decision. Retaining the right legal counsel is no different. This article is aimed at discussing some of the questions you should consider when determining which family law…

The Nuances Of Child Support

Cases involving children almost always include child support.  Child support is one of those aspects of family law that everyone seems to “know about”.  However, it’s pretty likely that the extent of your knowledge on the matter is actually fairly limited. This article is directed towards those wanting to know more about the nuance of…

How Marital Debts are Distributed During Divorce

Joint debts can be a tough issue in a divorce. These debts may have terms longer than the duration of the marriage. These debts can also be a painful reminder of the marriage. Nevertheless, knowing who pays what can help you to better prepare for your transition into life as a single income earner.  In…

Military Divorce in Colorado Springs

We are forever indebted to those service members who fight to protect our liberties. While we hope only the best for these brave individuals, this is not always the case. Sometimes these individuals, for whatever reason, must go through the hardships of divorce just like any other person. However, unlike a divorce between average civilians, … Continued

When To File For Divorce

A question that constantly seems to come up with potential clients is, “What's the best time to file a divorce?” Unfortunately for this question, the answer largely depends on the person’s circumstances or the nature of the relief requested. Because there is no single answer that will describe the “best” time to file, this article … Continued

Decision Making & Divorce

Divorce cases are multifaceted, and they may become even more complex if the divorcing couple has children.  Decision-making responsibility has to be divided up like everything.  This article may help you understand how decision making is decided by a court. CALL NOW: (866) 695-0314 SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION What is Decision-making? Decision-making is a fundamental … Continued

Parenting Exchanges

For separated couples with children, occasional interactions with one another are often a reality of daily life. Because these couples typically will have some form of alternating parenting time, chances are they will sometimes encounter one another when switching between each other’s parenting time. Exchanges can help provide stability and certainty by clarifying the nature … Continued

Dividing Assets During Divorce

For many couples considering a divorce, their overarching concern is to safeguard their financial security. Part of this process involves dividing up assets and property accumulated during the marriage. But how do you go about this? Does the court take the lead on determining who gets the televisions, cars, and chinaware? You’ll be surprised to…

Parenting Time in Colorado

In an Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (“APR” for short) case or divorce with children, one of the biggest client concerns is spending time with their kids. The traditional term most used by people when thinking of this topic is custody. In Colorado, however, the courts no longer use this term as it carries some negative…

Pre-Divorce Planning

If you are tensely awaiting a looming divorce, taking appropriate steps may help to put yourself in the best position possible. At the start of a divorce, legal requirements kick in.  However, if you have some advance notice that a divorce might be coming down the pike, pre-divorce planning might give you a head start. … Continued

Dividing Assets in Divorce

Of the many issues that occur in a divorce, there is one issue that is largely universal: division of personal property, dividing assets. Divorce is a complex and delicate process. Obviously, there is frequently a fair bit of contention and disagreement, but I bet you wouldn’t imagine that dividing personal property can sometimes be one…

Proper Behavior in Divorce Court

Behaving properly in Court is one of those things that sounds like it should be obvious. However, when you get down to it, there are some aspects that might not be so clear. So we’re here today to give you some helpful tips on how to act before a tribunal. Addressing the Court This is … Continued

Informal vs Court Initiated Child Support Payment Modification

Child support payments can be modified to assist those who are experiencing financial difficulties. A problem arises though when a court-ordered child support payment agreement is modified outside of the court system. CALL NOW: (866) 695-0314SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION Informal Payment Modifications Often times, when a spouse responsible for making child support payments (the obligor) … Continued

Your First Day in Divorce Court

One of the most common themes we see repeated with our clients is an overall fear or anxiety surrounding divorce, specifically with the court system and the judicial process. But fear not! Here at MFL, we are highly familiar with the courts, and we know that there is nothing to worry about. So to help … Continued

Online Divorces

Online divorces or DIY divorces are becoming more commonplace for couples seeking a low-cost way to separate. Companies like and offer what appears to be a seamless online divorce process for a fraction of what reputable law firms would charge. And many residents are flocking to these sites for their divorce needs without…