It’s completely normal to feel uncomfortable discussing domestic violence or spousal abuse. However, it’s also important to protect yourself and know your rights. You have the right to live out your life without fear of assault or injury. Domestic violence is a serious violation of someone’s civil liberties, and in recent years, the U.S. Department of Justice has amended the exact definition of domestic violence to greater defend victims of abuse and bring the perpetrators to justice.
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Domestic violence is the abuse of one intimate partner, or family member, by another. These include:
In most states, including Colorado and California, divorces are litigated on a no-fault basis, which means that they do not pay attention to the altercations and arguments concerning a divorce, including domestic violence. This is why it’s so important to obtain strategic, thorough, and knowledgeable legal defense. Our domestic violence lawyers will work with prosecutors and judges to ensure that your suffering does not go unnoticed. At Modern Family Law, our lawyers take these incidents of domestic violence very seriously.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline’s website reveals that on average, there are 24 victims of physical violence, stalking, or rape by an intimate partner per minute. This comes out to over 12 million people every year. The hotline can be reached at (800) 799-7233 or (800) 787-3224. Don’t be afraid to stand up against abuse. Modern Family Law’s Divorce Attorneys can help you protect yourself.
The United States National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) outlines the facts. One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, and most cases of domestic violence are never reported to law enforcement. Don’t contribute to this statistic. Know your rights and get yourself the legal protection you deserve; don’t hesitate to get law enforcement involved.
Our team of domestic violence attorneys serves Colorado and California, and we know the appropriate course of action to pursue when presented with any case involving domestic violence. Effective legal representation can only be provided after a client has decided their marriage is irreparably damaged.
Once a client has made that final decision, however, Modern Family Law will move in with calculated efficiency. There’s no such thing as an emergency divorce. However, divorce and domestic violence may be handled differently in your jurisdiction. When you have been abused or regularly experience household disturbances, it’s time for a change.
Before consulting any domestic violence lawyers or pursuing a divorce, always consult trusted loved ones and make your own decision about the fate of your marriage. Once you make this resolution, retain the representation of our firm. Our domestic violence lawyers will walk you through the whole process and get you the legal protection you deserve.
Domestic Violence
In this enlightening interview, Jennifer Gardella, a renowned Domestic Violence Impact Speaker, Survivor, Advocate, and Author, shares her deeply personal journey and expertise with Modern Family Law’s Marketing & Communications...
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Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on divorce proceedings in Colorado. When one spouse has been a victim of domestic violence, it can affect...
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If you are seeking a protective order due to family violence, please call us. If you are the accused in a protective order, we can help you on the civil...
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