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In Seattle

Divorce Lawyers In Seattle

Modern Family Law’s team of skilled Seattle divorce attorneys is dedicated to assisting you through the intricate and emotionally charged process of divorce. We understand that family law matters are sensitive and multifaceted, and our comprehensive range of legal services is designed to address all aspects of your divorce journey.

With a profound awareness of the personal and legal complexities involved, we are committed to providing tailored guidance as you navigate through this challenging time. Our experienced attorneys bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, ensuring adept handling of property division, child custody, spousal support, and more. At Modern Family Law, we prioritize clear communication and proactive strategies to achieve favorable outcomes that protect your interests.

Making the right choice of a divorce attorney can significantly influence your case’s outcome. Modern Family Law stands ready to be your dedicated partner, offering not only legal expertise but also empathetic support.

What Practice Areas Fall Under
Divorce In Seattle?

No-Fault Divorce in Seattle

A no-fault divorce in Seattle, Washington, allows couples to dissolve their marriage without the need to prove wrongdoing by either spouse. Instead of assigning blame, the court recognizes “irreconcilable differences” as sufficient grounds for ending the marriage. This approach simplifies the divorce process and can reduce conflict between parties.

Key aspects of no-fault divorce in Seattle include:

» Simplified Process: Without the need to prove fault, the divorce proceedings can be more straightforward and less contentious.

» Equitable Distribution: The court will divide marital property and debts in a manner deemed fair, though not necessarily equal.

» Child Custody and Support: Arrangements for child custody, visitation, and support will be made based on the best interests of the children.

» Spousal Support: Financial support may be awarded to one spouse depending on factors such as the length of the marriage and each party’s financial situation.

No-fault divorce allows couples to focus on resolving practical matters and moving forward with their lives, minimizing emotional strain and legal complexities.

Property Division in a Seattle Divorce

Property division in a Seattle divorce involves the equitable distribution of marital assets and debts between spouses. Washington is a community property state, meaning that most property acquired during the marriage is considered jointly owned and subject to fair division upon divorce.

Key aspects of property division in a Seattle divorce include:

» Community Property: Assets and debts acquired during the marriage are typically considered community property and will be divided equitably, though not necessarily equally.

» Separate Property: Property owned by either spouse before the marriage or acquired through inheritance or gift is generally considered separate and not subject to division.

» Fair Division: The court considers factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and contributions to the marriage when determining a fair division of property.

» Negotiation and Mediation: Couples can negotiate property division agreements outside of court or use mediation to reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement.

Property division aims to ensure a fair outcome for both parties, allowing each to move forward with a clear understanding of their financial standing post-divorce.

Debt Division in Seattle

Debt division in a Seattle divorce involves the equitable allocation of marital debts between spouses. Washington is a community property state, meaning that debts incurred during the marriage are generally considered joint obligations, regardless of which spouse incurred them.

Key aspects of debt division in a Seattle divorce include:

» Community Debt: Debts accumulated during the marriage are typically classified as community debts and are subject to equitable division between spouses.

» Separate Debt: Debts incurred before the marriage or solely in one spouse’s name for non-marital purposes may be considered separate and remain the responsibility of the individual spouse.

» Equitable Division: The court aims to divide debts fairly, taking into account factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and their contributions to the marriage.

» Negotiation and Mediation: Couples can negotiate debt division agreements outside of court or use mediation to reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement.

The goal of debt division is to ensure a fair outcome that considers both parties’ financial situations, allowing each to move forward with a clear understanding of their obligations post-divorce. This process helps to minimize financial disputes and provides a structured approach to handling shared debts.

Annulment in Seattle

Annulment in Seattle is a legal procedure that declares a marriage null and void, as if it never existed. Unlike divorce, which ends a valid marriage, annulment treats the marriage as though it was never legally valid. Annulments are granted under specific circumstances and can be more complex to obtain than a divorce.

Key aspects of annulment in Seattle include:

» Grounds for Annulment: Annulments are granted based on specific grounds, such as fraud, duress, bigamy, mental incapacity, or being underage at the time of marriage.

» Legal Effects: An annulment voids the marriage, meaning it is treated as if it never legally occurred. This can affect property division, spousal support, and other legal considerations differently than a divorce.

» Proof Requirements: The party seeking an annulment must provide evidence supporting the grounds for annulment. This process can be more complicated and require more documentation than a no-fault divorce.

» Time Constraints: Certain grounds for annulment may have specific time limits within which the annulment must be sought.

Annulment can be a suitable option for individuals who meet the necessary criteria and prefer to have their marriage declared invalid rather than dissolved through divorce. However, due to its specific requirements and potential complexities, seeking legal advice from an experienced Seattle attorney is recommended to navigate the process effectively.

Decree Modification in Seattle

Post-decree modifications in Seattle refer to the legal process of altering the terms of a divorce decree after the divorce has been finalized. These modifications typically involve changes to child custody, child support, spousal support, or other arrangements established in the original decree.

Key aspects of post-decree modifications in Seattle include:

» Grounds for Modification: To modify a divorce decree, the requesting party must demonstrate a significant change in circumstances since the original order was issued. Common reasons include changes in income, relocation, or changes in the needs of the child or former spouse.

» Child Custody and Support: Modifications to child custody and support arrangements are often sought due to changes in the living situation, health, or financial status of either parent or the child.

» Spousal Support: Changes to spousal support (alimony) may be requested if there is a substantial change in either party’s financial situation or needs.

» Legal Process: To initiate a modification, a formal request must be filed with the court. Both parties will have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments, and the court will make a decision based on the best interests of those involved.

» Mediation and Negotiation: In some cases, former spouses can agree to modifications through negotiation or mediation, potentially avoiding the need for a court hearing.

Post-decree modifications are designed to adapt to life’s changes, ensuring that the terms of the original divorce decree remain fair and relevant over time. Seeking assistance from a qualified Seattle attorney can help navigate the legal requirements and increase the likelihood of a successful modification.

Collaborative Divorce in Seattle

Collaborative divorce in Seattle is a voluntary, cooperative process that allows couples to resolve their divorce issues outside of court. This approach emphasizes mutual respect, open communication, and a commitment to finding solutions that work for both parties, making the process less adversarial and often more amicable.

Key aspects of collaborative divorce in Seattle include:

» Team Approach: Both spouses, along with their attorneys, agree to work together collaboratively. Additional professionals, such as financial advisors, child specialists, and therapists, may be involved to provide expertise and support.

» Participation Agreement: All parties sign a participation agreement, committing to the collaborative process and agreeing not to go to court. If the process breaks down, the attorneys involved must withdraw, and new attorneys must be hired for any litigation.

» Open Communication: The process encourages honest and open communication between spouses, aiming to address each party’s needs and concerns effectively.

» Problem-Solving Focus: Collaborative divorce focuses on problem-solving rather than blaming, fostering an environment where both parties can work towards mutually beneficial solutions.

» Customized Solutions: The process allows for more personalized and flexible solutions that may better meet the unique needs of the family compared to court-imposed decisions.

Collaborative divorce can reduce the emotional strain and conflict typically associated with traditional divorce proceedings. By prioritizing cooperation and respectful negotiation, it often leads to more satisfactory outcomes for both parties and their children. Seeking the guidance of experienced collaborative divorce professionals in Seattle can help ensure a smoother and more constructive divorce process.

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Divorce Lawyers In Seattle

At Modern Family Law, our experienced and compassionate Seattle attorneys are dedicated to helping our clients understand and navigate the divorce process. When it comes to the dissolution of marriage in Seattle, Washington, it’s crucial to educate yourself as much as possible before starting your proceedings. A better understanding leads to smarter choices. One option is to consult with a Seattle divorce attorney. Our experienced and compassionate attorneys will listen to the specifics of your case and provide you with guidance and advice to navigate this challenging time in your life. 

What Practice Areas Fall Under
Divorce In Seattle?

A no-fault divorce in Seattle, Washington, allows couples to dissolve their marriage without the need to prove wrongdoing by either spouse. Instead of assigning blame, the court recognizes “irreconcilable differences” as sufficient grounds for ending the marriage. This approach simplifies the divorce process and can reduce conflict between parties.

Key aspects of no-fault divorce in Seattle include:

» Simplified Process: Without the need to prove fault, the divorce proceedings can be more straightforward and less contentious.

» Equitable Distribution: The court will divide marital property and debts in a manner deemed fair, though not necessarily equal.

» Child Custody and Support: Arrangements for child custody, visitation, and support will be made based on the best interests of the children.

» Spousal Support: Financial support may be awarded to one spouse depending on factors such as the length of the marriage and each party’s financial situation.

No-fault divorce allows couples to focus on resolving practical matters and moving forward with their lives, minimizing emotional strain and legal complexities.

Property division in a Seattle divorce involves the equitable distribution of marital assets and debts between spouses. Washington is a community property state, meaning that most property acquired during the marriage is considered jointly owned and subject to fair division upon divorce.

Key aspects of property division in a Seattle divorce include:

» Community Property: Assets and debts acquired during the marriage are typically considered community property and will be divided equitably, though not necessarily equally.

» Separate Property: Property owned by either spouse before the marriage or acquired through inheritance or gift is generally considered separate and not subject to division.

» Fair Division: The court considers factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and contributions to the marriage when determining a fair division of property.

» Negotiation and Mediation: Couples can negotiate property division agreements outside of court or use mediation to reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement.

Property division aims to ensure a fair outcome for both parties, allowing each to move forward with a clear understanding of their financial standing post-divorce.

Debt division in a Seattle divorce involves the equitable allocation of marital debts between spouses. Washington is a community property state, meaning that debts incurred during the marriage are generally considered joint obligations, regardless of which spouse incurred them.

Key aspects of debt division in a Seattle divorce include:

» Community Debt: Debts accumulated during the marriage are typically classified as community debts and are subject to equitable division between spouses.

» Separate Debt: Debts incurred before the marriage or solely in one spouse’s name for non-marital purposes may be considered separate and remain the responsibility of the individual spouse.

» Equitable Division: The court aims to divide debts fairly, taking into account factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and their contributions to the marriage.

» Negotiation and Mediation: Couples can negotiate debt division agreements outside of court or use mediation to reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement.

The goal of debt division is to ensure a fair outcome that considers both parties’ financial situations, allowing each to move forward with a clear understanding of their obligations post-divorce. This process helps to minimize financial disputes and provides a structured approach to handling shared debts.

Annulment in Seattle is a legal procedure that declares a marriage null and void, as if it never existed. Unlike divorce, which ends a valid marriage, annulment treats the marriage as though it was never legally valid. Annulments are granted under specific circumstances and can be more complex to obtain than a divorce.

Key aspects of annulment in Seattle include:

» Grounds for Annulment: Annulments are granted based on specific grounds, such as fraud, duress, bigamy, mental incapacity, or being underage at the time of marriage.

» Legal Effects: An annulment voids the marriage, meaning it is treated as if it never legally occurred. This can affect property division, spousal support, and other legal considerations differently than a divorce.

» Proof Requirements: The party seeking an annulment must provide evidence supporting the grounds for annulment. This process can be more complicated and require more documentation than a no-fault divorce.

» Time Constraints: Certain grounds for annulment may have specific time limits within which the annulment must be sought.

Annulment can be a suitable option for individuals who meet the necessary criteria and prefer to have their marriage declared invalid rather than dissolved through divorce. However, due to its specific requirements and potential complexities, seeking legal advice from an experienced Seattle attorney is recommended to navigate the process effectively.

Post-decree modifications in Seattle refer to the legal process of altering the terms of a divorce decree after the divorce has been finalized. These modifications typically involve changes to child custody, child support, spousal support, or other arrangements established in the original decree.

Key aspects of post-decree modifications in Seattle include:

» Grounds for Modification: To modify a divorce decree, the requesting party must demonstrate a significant change in circumstances since the original order was issued. Common reasons include changes in income, relocation, or changes in the needs of the child or former spouse.

» Child Custody and Support: Modifications to child custody and support arrangements are often sought due to changes in the living situation, health, or financial status of either parent or the child.

» Spousal Support: Changes to spousal support (alimony) may be requested if there is a substantial change in either party’s financial situation or needs.

» Legal Process: To initiate a modification, a formal request must be filed with the court. Both parties will have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments, and the court will make a decision based on the best interests of those involved.

» Mediation and Negotiation: In some cases, former spouses can agree to modifications through negotiation or mediation, potentially avoiding the need for a court hearing.

Post-decree modifications are designed to adapt to life’s changes, ensuring that the terms of the original divorce decree remain fair and relevant over time. Seeking assistance from a qualified Seattle attorney can help navigate the legal requirements and increase the likelihood of a successful modification.

Collaborative divorce in Seattle is a voluntary, cooperative process that allows couples to resolve their divorce issues outside of court. This approach emphasizes mutual respect, open communication, and a commitment to finding solutions that work for both parties, making the process less adversarial and often more amicable.

Key aspects of collaborative divorce in Seattle include:

» Team Approach: Both spouses, along with their attorneys, agree to work together collaboratively. Additional professionals, such as financial advisors, child specialists, and therapists, may be involved to provide expertise and support.

» Participation Agreement: All parties sign a participation agreement, committing to the collaborative process and agreeing not to go to court. If the process breaks down, the attorneys involved must withdraw, and new attorneys must be hired for any litigation.

» Open Communication: The process encourages honest and open communication between spouses, aiming to address each party’s needs and concerns effectively.

» Problem-Solving Focus: Collaborative divorce focuses on problem-solving rather than blaming, fostering an environment where both parties can work towards mutually beneficial solutions.

» Customized Solutions: The process allows for more personalized and flexible solutions that may better meet the unique needs of the family compared to court-imposed decisions.

Collaborative divorce can reduce the emotional strain and conflict typically associated with traditional divorce proceedings. By prioritizing cooperation and respectful negotiation, it often leads to more satisfactory outcomes for both parties and their children. Seeking the guidance of experienced collaborative divorce professionals in Seattle can help ensure a smoother and more constructive divorce process.

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View Our Washington

Understanding The Divorce Process In Seattle

The divorce process in Seattle can be daunting to face. As such, we would like to prepare you for the road ahead. When you file a divorce petition with the Seattle courts, it will take at least 90 days to finalize the divorce. The court will usually order the parties to mediation. Mediation is a process that allows both parties to try to come to an agreement before their hearing. A mediator is a neutral party who helps both parties understand and discuss the issues being disputed.


If you cannot come to an agreement with the other party, the court will step in and make the final decision. The court will always consider the child’s best interest when making its ruling. It’s also important to understand that although there is a final order, you can file for a modification under serious changes or emergency circumstances to adjust the decree or final order to fit the new situation. The typical steps for filing for divorce in Seattle are outlined below.

Step 1

File a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.

Step 2

Serve the divorce papers to your spouse through a process server.

Step 3

The court will schedule your Initial Status Conference.

Step 4

Complete additional forms per the court’s request.

Keep in mind that all divorce cases are unique. Although the process to file for a divorce is the same in King County, each case is handled differently and may require the parties to file additional documents. Deadlines for filing certain forms are very important and missing them can lead to contempt of court. Having an attorney to manage each deadline and help you prepare all necessary documents beforehand is very helpful and can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress.

Understanding The Divorce
Process In Seattle

The divorce process in Seattle can be daunting to face. As such, we would like to prepare you for the road ahead. When you file a divorce petition with the Seattle courts, it will take at least 90 days to finalize the divorce. The court will usually order the parties to mediation. Mediation is a process that allows both parties to try to come to an agreement before their hearing. A mediator is a neutral party who helps both parties understand and discuss the issues being disputed.


If you cannot come to an agreement with the other party, the court will step in and make the final decision. The court will always consider the child’s best interest when making its ruling. It’s also important to understand that although there is a final order, you can file for a modification under serious changes or emergency circumstances to adjust the decree or final order to fit the new situation. The typical steps for filing for divorce in Seattle are outlined below.

Step 1

File a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.

Step 2

Serve the divorce papers to your spouse through a process server.

Step 3

The court will schedule your Initial Status Conference.

Step 4

Complete additional forms per the court’s request.

Keep in mind that all divorce cases are unique. Although the process to file for a divorce is the same in King County, each case is handled differently and may require the parties to file additional documents. Deadlines for filing certain forms are very important and missing them can lead to contempt of court. Having an attorney to manage each deadline and help you prepare all necessary documents beforehand is very helpful and can alleviate a lot of unnecessary stress.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce In Seattle

Do I need an attorney to get a divorce in Seattle?

While it is possible to navigate a divorce on your own, having an experienced attorney by your side can make a significant difference. An attorney can help ensure your rights are protected, provide guidance through complex legal processes, and work to achieve a fair outcome. They can also reduce stress by handling negotiations and paperwork, allowing you to focus on moving forward with your life. In Seattle, the expertise of a divorce attorney can be invaluable in navigating the unique legal landscape and ensuring a smoother, more efficient divorce process.

Who determines how assets are divided in a Washington Divorce?

In a Washington divorce, assets are divided by the court based on the principle of “community property.” This means that all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are typically considered jointly owned and are divided equitably, though not necessarily equally. The court considers various factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and any prenuptial agreements. While the court ultimately makes the final decision, having a skilled attorney can help present your case effectively and work towards a fair distribution of assets.

What happens if I do not sign the divorce papers in Seattle?

If you do not sign the divorce papers in Seattle, the divorce process can still move forward. Your spouse can file for a default judgment if you fail to respond within the required time frame. This means the court may grant the divorce and issue orders regarding asset division, child custody, and support without your input. It is crucial to participate in the process to ensure your rights and interests are represented. Consulting with a divorce attorney can help you understand your options and navigate the process effectively.

Where do I file my divorce paperwork in Seattle?

In Seattle, you file your divorce paperwork at the King County Superior Court. The court is located at 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. It’s essential to ensure all forms are correctly completed and filed to avoid delays. Additionally, consulting with a divorce attorney can help ensure that your paperwork is accurate and that you follow all necessary procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Divorce in Seattle

Do I need an attorney to get a divorce in Seattle?

While it is possible to navigate a divorce on your own, having an experienced attorney by your side can make a significant difference. An attorney can help ensure your rights are protected, provide guidance through complex legal processes, and work to achieve a fair outcome. They can also reduce stress by handling negotiations and paperwork, allowing you to focus on moving forward with your life. In Seattle, the expertise of a divorce attorney can be invaluable in navigating the unique legal landscape and ensuring a smoother, more efficient divorce process.


Learn more about the decision of whether or not to hire an attorney for your Colorado divorce.

Who determines how assets are divided in a Washington Divorce?

In a Washington divorce, assets are divided by the court based on the principle of “community property.” This means that all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are typically considered jointly owned and are divided equitably, though not necessarily equally. The court considers various factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and any prenuptial agreements. While the court ultimately makes the final decision, having a skilled attorney can help present your case effectively and work towards a fair distribution of assets.

What happens if I do not sign the divorce papers in Seattle?

If you do not sign the divorce papers in Seattle, the divorce process can still move forward. Your spouse can file for a default judgment if you fail to respond within the required time frame. This means the court may grant the divorce and issue orders regarding asset division, child custody, and support without your input. It is crucial to participate in the process to ensure your rights and interests are represented. Consulting with a divorce attorney can help you understand your options and navigate the process effectively.

Where do I file my divorce paperwork in Seattle?

In Seattle, you file your divorce paperwork at the King County Superior Court. The court is located at 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. It’s essential to ensure all forms are correctly completed and filed to avoid delays. Additionally, consulting with a divorce attorney can help ensure that your paperwork is accurate and that you follow all necessary procedures.


Our Compassionate Approach to
Divorce Cases In Seattle

At Modern Family Law, our divorce attorneys understand how confusing, emotional, and overwhelming the divorce process can be. We are compassionate about our clients’ situations and help them navigate this difficult time in their lives. It is our experienced Seattle divorce lawyers’ goal to make this process as smooth and uncomplicated as possible for you. Our team provides each client with a detailed explanation of their rights during this difficult time. It’s also important that we provide you with peace of mind while going through such an emotional journey and give you the tools necessary to move forward in life after getting divorced.

We understand that many of our Seattle clients fear how expensive a dissolution of marriage can be. Due to this, we are proud to offer several ways to help pay for our services. One is our innovative SimpleStart™ Program, which allows clients to reduce the initial cost needed upfront and simply pay the bill every two weeks. Contact us to learn about our other payment options and how our divorce attorneys in Seattle can help you.

Our goal when working on a divorce case is to remove as much conflict as possible to help you get through your situation in a more effective and efficient manner. This approach decreases everyday stress and the need to make rash decisions during the process. We want to react with logic, not emotion when helping you move to the next stage of your life.

Our Seattle Office Location

Modern Family Law Seattle Office Location

1700 7th Ave., Ste. 1610,
Seattle, WA 98101

Office Details

Our Compassionate Approach to
Divorce In Seattle

At Modern Family Law, our divorce attorneys understand how confusing, emotional, and overwhelming the divorce process can be. We are compassionate about our clients’ situations and help them navigate this difficult time in their lives. It is our experienced Seattle divorce lawyers’ goal to make this process as smooth and uncomplicated as possible for you. Our team provides each client with a detailed explanation of their rights during this difficult time. It’s also important that we provide you with peace of mind while going through such an emotional journey and give you the tools necessary to move forward in life after getting divorced.

We understand that many of our Seattle clients fear how expensive a dissolution of marriage can be. Due to this, we are proud to offer several ways to help pay for our services. One is our innovative SimpleStart™ Program, which allows clients to reduce the initial cost needed upfront and simply pay the bill every two weeks. Contact us to learn about our other payment options and how our divorce attorneys in Seattle can help you.

Our goal when working on a divorce case is to remove as much conflict as possible to help you get through your situation in a more effective and efficient manner. This approach decreases everyday stress and the need to make rash decisions during the process. We want to react with logic, not emotion when helping you move to the next stage of your life.

Our Seattle
Office Location

Modern Family Law Seattle Office Location

1700 7th Ave., Ste. 1610,
Seattle, WA 98101

Office Details

Meet Our Team Of Experienced
Seattle Divorce Attorneys

Brian Litzinger Seattle family lawyer

Brian Litzinger
Managing Attorney
Seattle, WA

Additional Resources About
Seattle Divorce

Where to file for divorce in King County Washington

Where To File For Divorce In Seattle

Discover a step-by-step guide to filing for divorce in King County, Seattle. Learn the requirements, costs, and steps to start your journey.

failing to pay child support in Washington

10 Things To Know About Failing To Pay Child Support

Discover the key facts about failing to pay child support in Washington, including legal consequences and enforcement methods.

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Leading With Heart: Brian's Seattle Vision

Explore Brian Litzinger’s inspiring journey to Managing Attorney and his vision for Modern Family Law’s new Seattle office.

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