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Helping You
Navigate Custody
In Colorado Springs


Helping You
Navigate Custody
In Colorado Springs

Child Custody In Colorado Springs

It is never easy to deal with matters of child custody and understanding Colorado Springs law governing custody cases can be simply overwhelming. Our experienced child custody attorneys in Colorado Springs understand how difficult, time-consuming, and stressful these cases are. You may be able to alleviate some of the stresses surrounding your case by working with our team. Child custody cases affect the lives of you and your children for years to come. Our Colorado Springs team of child custody attorneys can empathize with how confusing and emotionally draining this time is. They are here to aid your understanding of the situation, focus your attention on what is most important, and help you stay in control of your life.


What makes Modern Family Law different than other firms is that we prioritize the needs of our clients. Our Colorado Springs custody attorneys are available to answer any questions you may have, and they will never pressure you into anything. If our firm doesn’t feel like it’s a fit for your family situation, then we’ll be honest with you about that too! Some lawyers do not care what happens in their clients’ lives outside of court proceedings, but at Modern Family Law there is no such thing as “too much contact.” We want all  Colorado Springs families who come through our doors to know we are here for them.


Our experienced Colorado Springs child custody attorneys can also provide valuable advice about how to deal with certain situations that may arise as a result of your child custody case. They understand the difficulties you’re going through and they will help ease some of those burdens for you by providing knowledgeable legal counsel, planning ahead, and going over all possible outcomes. Our goal is to assist in resolving any conflicts between parents before they turn into an issue or become difficult problems later on down the road. We want what’s best for our clients!

What Practice Areas Fall Under
Child Custody in Colorado Springs?

Visitation in Colorado Springs

Hearing the word “visitation” while going through a family matter can be devastating. As a parent who wants what is best for their child and wants to be involved in the process as much as possible, we don’t want to hear our efforts and commitment to our children are referred to as “visitations”. It’s important to understand what visitation means, to have visitation means to have the right to visit with your child after a divorce or separation. However, that does not indicate anything about parental responsibilities or decision-making for the child.  In family law, the term “visitation” has been changed to “parenting time” and “allocation of parental responsibilities”.


Here are a few terms you should know…


Parenting time: Parenting time is the time a child spends with their parents, parenting time can be split up fairly amongst both parents which are considered joint custody. Joint custody is not always 50/50.


Decision making: Decision making is the responsibility of the parent to make decisions for health, religion, or educational purposes that are in the best interest of the child.


Step-Parent visitation: Being a step-parent going through a divorce can be heartbreaking for both the child and the step-parent, especially if the step-parent acted as the child’s parent for a long period of time. A step-parent can request visitation with their stepchild after divorce under certain requirements.


Supervised visitation: A supervised visitation is when you visit your child under the supervision of another adult, usually this type of setting takes place when there is high conflict to ensure the safety of the child.

Father’s Rights in Colorado Springs

What are your rights as a father? It’s common for fathers to show concern about what rights they have as a parent during a family case, some fathers feel like the Colorado Springs family court favors the mother in most custody cases. In Colorado, both the mother and the father have the same parental rights to their child. Although the family court does care about the parents, their main priority is the best interest of the child, which is what determines the allocation of parental responsibilities.


For example, if the father’s home is closest to the school but the son has weekdays at his mother’s house, and he is always late or absent then the father can request weekdays with him instead because it will be in the best interest of the child. It’s very important to understand that a father does have the right to parent and make decisions just as much as the mother does. Our attorneys at Modern Family law know how important it is for a father to be involved in their child’s day-to-day life and they work diligently to help fathers practice their rights and be committed parents.

Mother’s Rights in Colorado Springs

What are your rights as a mother? In Colorado, both the mother and father have equal rights to parental responsibility and decision-making of their child. This doesn’t exactly mean that all joint parenting time and decision-making will be 50/50 but it will be determined in the best interest of the child. There are several factors the court uses, such as the child’s living arrangement with either parent, whether one of the parents has a report of child abuse or neglect, the well-being of the child while with the parent, any physical or mental health issues that would prevent the parent from taking care of the child.

Grandparent’s Rights in Colorado Springs

Do grandparents have rights to their grandchildren? There are a few exceptions where a grandparent can step in and request parenting rights to their grandchildren. The grandparent must file a motion for parenting time just as either of the parents would and give an eligible reason as to why they should get parenting time with the child. Grandparents must meet certain criteria to be eligible to file and be granted a parenting or guardianship order from the court. For example:


  • When the parents of the grandchild have gone through a divorce or separation and there is a decree entered in the court.
  • When the legal custody of the child has been given to a person other than their parent, or the child has been placed in foster care and does not reside in the parents’ home, this does not include a child who has been placed for adoption or is already legally adopted.
  • When the grandchild’s parent, who is the child of the grandparent, has passed away.

Parental Alienation in Colorado Springs

Do you feel like your ex is conspiring your child against you after the divorce? Have you noticed your child becoming more distant and refusing to talk to you or spend time with you? You may be experiencing parental alienation. Having a parent make negative comments or false statements about you to your child is toxic to your child and is considered a form of abuse.


The court certainly recognizes the influence of parents on their children and finds that parental alienation is very much an issue in some cases and it’s not in the best interest of the child. Children should not be put in the middle of their parent’s problems and adult situations. Do not allow your child to be the messenger between you and the other parent, especially when there are conflicting issues.

Child Protection in Colorado Springs

All children need an advocate for them that is not a parent or legal guardian. The children need a voice that will protect them and guide them through their life with the resources they need to be safe and healthy. El Paso County has several services that help protect children. If you feel your child may be in danger or needs help, you can contact El Paso County DHS (Department of Human Services) or CPS (Child Protective Services) to file a report.


There are certain measures that can take place to ensure your child is safe. If you have a custody order with the court already, you can file an Emergency Motion to Restrict Parenting Time. You can also file a temporary or permanent protection order for your child. Our attorneys are experienced in CPS cases. They can go over the next steps with you and help you understand the legal side of keeping your child safe.

Early Neutral Assessment in Colorado Springs

An early neutral assessment is a method that both parents can use to try to settle conflicts or disputes without going through a court hearing. An early assessment is a lot like going through mediation during a divorce, you will have a non-bias professional assisting with your case to help determine your plan for the allocation of parental responsibilities. Some parties find an early assessment is a better route than going through a court hearing because they don’t want a judge or magistrate deciding their parenting plan and they genuinely want to try to resolve the issues on their own.


Studies show that parents who are able to come up with a parenting plan in an early assessment are more likely to resolve issues on their own in the future. An early assessment meeting is scheduled for 4 hours at the courthouse. Both parties will have their attorneys with them if they are represented and there will be a mental health professional present as well to help guide you. Then the two parties will address their concerns regarding parenting time, decision-making, and any other custody issues. An early Assessment meeting does not address any financial issues.


If the parents can come up with a plan that both parties agree with they go to the courtroom with a judge and put the full parenting plan on record. Since the Early Assessments have been introduced in Colorado they have been very successful. The parents are satisfied with the outcomes of their plan because they worked together to make it the best fit for their child and they still received professional guidance from a non-bias mental health expert who helps keep the conflict low and focuses on the child’s needs.

Paternity in Colorado Springs

In Colorado, paternity refers to the legal relationship between a father and a child. Paternity establishes the legal rights and responsibilities of the father, such as child support, visitation, and legal decision-making authority. Paternity can be established in several ways in Colorado, including:

1. Acknowledgment of Paternity: This is when both parents sign an acknowledgment of paternity form, which is usually done at the hospital at the time of the birth of the child. This form is then filed with the state vital records office.

2. Order of Paternity: This is when a court issues an order of paternity after a paternity action is brought before the court by one of the parents, or by the child through a legal guardian or parent. The court will order genetic testing to determine the biological father.

3. Presumption of Paternity: This occurs when a man is married to the mother of the child at the time of the child’s birth or conception, he is listed on the birth certificate, or he has held himself out as the father of the child. This creates a legal presumption that he is the father, but it can be rebutted with clear and convincing evidence

Once paternity is established, the father will have legal rights and responsibilities in relation to the child, such as the right to visit the child, the right to make decisions about the child’s welfare and education, and the obligation to financially support the child. Additionally, the child will have the right to know his or her father and to receive emotional and financial support from both parents.

Child Relocation in Colorado Springs

Child relocation refers to the process of one parent moving a significant distance away from the other parent with the child or children. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as a job opportunity or a change in living situation.

When a parent wishes to relocate with a child, they must provide notice to the other parent and the court. The other parent has the right to object to the relocation, and if they do, the court will hold a hearing to determine if the move is in the best interests of the child. The court will consider factors such as the child’s relationship with each parent, the child’s current and future needs, and the potential impact on the child’s education and extracurricular activities.

If the court determines that the relocation is not in the best interests of the child, it may deny the request. However, if the court finds that the relocation would be beneficial for the child, it may approve the move and modify the existing custody and parenting time orders as necessary.

Custody Modification in Colorado Springs

Child custody modification refers to the process of changing the terms of a previous child custody order. This can include changes to parenting time (where the child lives) or decision-making (who makes decisions on behalf of the child).

To request a modification, a parent must file a motion with the court and provide evidence of a significant change in circumstances that affects the child’s welfare. The court will then consider the best interests of the child in determining whether to grant the modification request.

Both parents have the right to request a child custody modification, but the court will only grant the request if it determines that the proposed modification is in the best interests of the child. Factors considered by the court include the child’s relationship with each parent, the child’s adjustment to home, school, and community, and any history of abuse or neglect.

Custody Arrangements in Colorado Springs

Child custody arrangements in Colorado determine the legal responsibility and physical care of minor children. The state follows a “best interests of the child” standard in making custody decisions. This means that the court will consider various factors, such as the child’s relationship with each parent and any history of abuse or neglect, to determine the arrangement that will provide the most stability and security for the child.

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View Our Colorado

Child Custody In Colorado Springs

It is never easy to deal with matters of child custody and understanding Colorado Springs law governing custody cases can be simply overwhelming. Our experienced child custody attorneys in Colorado Springs understand how difficult, time-consuming, and stressful these cases are. You may be able to alleviate some of the stresses surrounding your case by working with our team. Child custody cases affect the lives of you and your children for years to come. Our Colorado Springs team of child custody attorneys can empathize with how confusing and emotionally draining this time is. They are here to aid your understanding of the situation, focus your attention on what is most important, and help you stay in control of your life.

What Practice Areas Fall Under
Child Custody in Colorado Springs?

Hearing the word “visitation” while going through a family matter can be devastating. As a parent who wants what is best for their child and wants to be involved in the process as much as possible, we don’t want to hear our efforts and commitment to our children are referred to as “visitations”. It’s important to understand what visitation means, to have visitation means to have the right to visit with your child after a divorce or separation. However, that does not indicate anything about parental responsibilities or decision-making for the child.  In family law, the term “visitation” has been changed to “parenting time” and “allocation of parental responsibilities”.


Here are a few terms you should know…


Parenting time: Parenting time is the time a child spends with their parents, parenting time can be split up fairly amongst both parents which are considered joint custody. Joint custody is not always 50/50.


Decision making: Decision making is the responsibility of the parent to make decisions for health, religion, or educational purposes that are in the best interest of the child.


Step-Parent visitation: Being a step-parent going through a divorce can be heartbreaking for both the child and the step-parent, especially if the step-parent acted as the child’s parent for a long period of time. A step-parent can request visitation with their stepchild after divorce under certain requirements.


Supervised visitation: A supervised visitation is when you visit your child under the supervision of another adult, usually this type of setting takes place when there is high conflict to ensure the safety of the child.

What are your rights as a father? It’s common for fathers to show concern about what rights they have as a parent during a family case, some fathers feel like the Colorado Springs family court favors the mother in most custody cases. In Colorado, both the mother and the father have the same parental rights to their child. Although the family court does care about the parents, their main priority is the best interest of the child, which is what determines the allocation of parental responsibilities.


For example, if the father’s home is closest to the school but the son has weekdays at his mother’s house, and he is always late or absent then the father can request weekdays with him instead because it will be in the best interest of the child. It’s very important to understand that a father does have the right to parent and make decisions just as much as the mother does. Our attorneys at Modern Family law know how important it is for a father to be involved in their child’s day-to-day life and they work diligently to help fathers practice their rights and be committed parents.

What are your rights as a mother? In Colorado, both the mother and father have equal rights to parental responsibility and decision-making of their child. This doesn’t exactly mean that all joint parenting time and decision-making will be 50/50 but it will be determined in the best interest of the child. There are several factors the court uses, such as the child’s living arrangement with either parent, whether one of the parents has a report of child abuse or neglect, the well-being of the child while with the parent, any physical or mental health issues that would prevent the parent from taking care of the child.

Do grandparents have rights to their grandchildren? There are a few exceptions where a grandparent can step in and request parenting rights to their grandchildren. The grandparent must file a motion for parenting time just as either of the parents would and give an eligible reason as to why they should get parenting time with the child. Grandparents must meet certain criteria to be eligible to file and be granted a parenting or guardianship order from the court. For example:


  • When the parents of the grandchild have gone through a divorce or separation and there is a decree entered in the court.
  • When the legal custody of the child has been given to a person other than their parent, or the child has been placed in foster care and does not reside in the parents’ home, this does not include a child who has been placed for adoption or is already legally adopted.
  • When the grandchild’s parent, who is the child of the grandparent, has passed away.

Do you feel like your ex is conspiring your child against you after the divorce? Have you noticed your child becoming more distant and refusing to talk to you or spend time with you? You may be experiencing parental alienation. Having a parent make negative comments or false statements about you to your child is toxic to your child and is considered a form of abuse.


The court certainly recognizes the influence of parents on their children and finds that parental alienation is very much an issue in some cases and it’s not in the best interest of the child. Children should not be put in the middle of their parent’s problems and adult situations. Do not allow your child to be the messenger between you and the other parent, especially when there are conflicting issues.

All children need an advocate for them that is not a parent or legal guardian. The children need a voice that will protect them and guide them through their life with the resources they need to be safe and healthy. El Paso County has several services that help protect children. If you feel your child may be in danger or needs help, you can contact El Paso DHS (Department of Human Services) or CPS (Child Protective Services) to file a report.


There are certain measures that can take place to ensure your child is safe. If you have a custody order with the court already, you can file an Emergency Motion to Restrict Parenting Time. You can also file a temporary or permanent protection order for your child. Our attorneys are experienced in CPS cases. They can go over the next steps with you and help you understand the legal side of keeping your child safe.

An early neutral assessment is a method that both parents can use to try to settle conflicts or disputes without going through a court hearing. An early assessment is a lot like going through mediation during a divorce, you will have a non-bias professional assisting with your case to help determine your plan for the allocation of parental responsibilities. Some parties find an early assessment is a better route than going through a court hearing because they don’t want a judge or magistrate deciding their parenting plan and they genuinely want to try to resolve the issues on their own.


Studies show that parents who are able to come up with a parenting plan in an early assessment are more likely to resolve issues on their own in the future. An early assessment meeting is scheduled for 4 hours at the courthouse. Both parties will have their attorneys with them if they are represented and there will be a mental health professional present as well to help guide you. Then the two parties will address their concerns regarding parenting time, decision-making, and any other custody issues. An early Assessment meeting does not address any financial issues.


If the parents can come up with a plan that both parties agree with they go to the courtroom with a judge and put the full parenting plan on record. Since the Early Assessments have been introduced in Colorado they have been very successful. The parents are satisfied with the outcomes of their plan because they worked together to make it the best fit for their child and they still received professional guidance from a non-bias mental health expert who helps keep the conflict low and focuses on the child’s needs.

In Colorado, paternity refers to the legal relationship between a father and a child. Paternity establishes the legal rights and responsibilities of the father, such as child support, visitation, and legal decision-making authority. Paternity can be established in several ways in Colorado, including:


1. Acknowledgment of Paternity: This is when both parents sign an acknowledgment of paternity form, which is usually done at the hospital at the time of the birth of the child. This form is then filed with the state vital records office.

2. Order of Paternity: This is when a court issues an order of paternity after a paternity action is brought before the court by one of the parents, or by the child through a legal guardian or parent. The court will order genetic testing to determine the biological father.

3. Presumption of Paternity: This occurs when a man is married to the mother of the child at the time of the child’s birth or conception, he is listed on the birth certificate, or he has held himself out as the father of the child. This creates a legal presumption that he is the father, but it can be rebutted with clear and convincing evidence


Once paternity is established, the father will have legal rights and responsibilities in relation to the child, such as the right to visit the child, the right to make decisions about the child’s welfare and education, and the obligation to financially support the child. Additionally, the child will have the right to know his or her father and to receive emotional and financial support from both parents.

Child relocation refers to the process of one parent moving a significant distance away from the other parent with the child or children. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as a job opportunity or a change in living situation.


When a parent wishes to relocate with a child, they must provide notice to the other parent and the court. The other parent has the right to object to the relocation, and if they do, the court will hold a hearing to determine if the move is in the best interests of the child. The court will consider factors such as the child’s relationship with each parent, the child’s current and future needs, and the potential impact on the child’s education and extracurricular activities.


If the court determines that the relocation is not in the best interests of the child, it may deny the request. However, if the court finds that the relocation would be beneficial for the child, it may approve the move and modify the existing custody and parenting time orders as necessary.

Child custody modification refers to the process of changing the terms of a previous child custody order. This can include changes to parenting time (where the child lives) or decision-making (who makes decisions on behalf of the child).


To request a modification, a parent must file a motion with the court and provide evidence of a significant change in circumstances that affects the child’s welfare. The court will then consider the best interests of the child in determining whether to grant the modification request.


Both parents have the right to request a child custody modification, but the court will only grant the request if it determines that the proposed modification is in the best interests of the child. Factors considered by the court include the child’s relationship with each parent, the child’s adjustment to home, school, and community, and any history of abuse or neglect.

Child custody arrangements in Colorado determine the legal responsibility and physical care of minor children. The state follows a “best interests of the child” standard in making custody decisions. This means that the court will consider various factors, such as the child’s relationship with each parent and any history of abuse or neglect, to determine the arrangement that will provide the most stability and security for the child.

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Our Attorneys Are
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Our experienced child custody attorneys in Colorado Springs have the knowledge, resources, and dedication to prepare your case and protect your interests to find the best possible outcome.

How To File For Child Custody In Colorado Springs

Filing for child custody in a Colorado Springs court can be complicated. There are many factors that may come into play, such as the parent’s income or lifestyle. A court will also consider how each parent has been caring for their child in the past—both when they were together and after separation. Child custody is a matter of balancing one’s desire to have some control over your kid with what is best for them in general. To start, you will need to determine what county to file for custody in. In general, the county where you have resided for at least 6 months with your child is the county that has jurisdiction over your case.  Once you have determined where you will file your case, you follow these steps to file for child custody:

Step 1

File a Petition for Allocation of Parental Responsibilities.

Step 2

Serve the other parent with all documents that were filed with the court.

Step 3

Schedule the Initial Status Conference.

Step 4

Determine what parenting plan will be in the best interest of your child.

Having a family law attorney to advise you in the process of filing for parenting time can ease the stresses involved. Parental conflicts often arise when it comes to deciding who will be the primary caregiver of a child, how much parenting time each parent should have with their children, and what type of custody arrangement would work best for all parties involved. Having an experienced family law attorney can ease these stresses by providing you with advice on your specific situation in order to make the process as smooth as possible Once a judge submits the permanent orders on your custody case you can no longer change it, The parties would have to wait 2 years to modify a parenting plan unless the child is in imminent danger then either party can file an emergency motion or protection order at any time.

How To File For
Child Custody In Colorado Springs

Filing for child custody in a Colorado Springs court can be complicated. There are many factors that may come into play, such as the parent’s income or lifestyle. A court will also consider how each parent has been caring for their child in the past—both when they were together and after separation. Child custody is a matter of balancing one’s desire to have some control over your kid with what is best for them in general. To start, you will need to determine what county to file for custody in. In general, the county where you have resided for at least 6 months with your child is the county that has jurisdiction over your case.  Once you have determined where you will file your case, you follow these steps to file for child custody:

Step 1

File a Petition for Allocation of Parental Responsibilities.

Step 2

Serve the other parent with all documents that were filed with the court.

Step 3

Schedule the Initial Status Conference.

Step 4

Determine what parenting plan will be in the best interest of your child.

Having a family law attorney to advise you in the process of filing for parenting time can ease the stresses involved. Parental conflicts often arise when it comes to deciding who will be the primary caregiver of a child, how much parenting time each parent should have with their children, and what type of custody arrangement would work best for all parties involved. Having an experienced family law attorney can ease these stresses by providing you with advice on your specific situation in order to make the process as smooth as possible Once a judge submits the permanent orders on your custody case you can no longer change it, The parties would have to wait 2 years to modify a parenting plan unless the child is in imminent danger then either party can file an emergency motion or protection order at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Custody in Colorado Springs

I plan to move out of state, do I have to file a motion?

Yes, if you plan on moving out of state and already have a parenting plan with the other party you would have to request to modify the parenting plan. Learn more about requesting a child custody modification.

How do I prove I am the father of an alleged child?

To establish paternity the father must sign the birth certificate as the father of the child or have a paternity test established by the court or child support agency. Learn more about establishing paternity in Colorado Springs.

What can I do if the other parent is not following the parenting plan?

You can enforce parenting time by filing a motion with the court. The court will then help make up your parent time or require the other party to adhere to a new parenting time that would work best for the child, in some cases the parent denying child support may also be responsible for paying legal fees acquired for having to go to court to enforce an order. Learn more about parenting time in Colorado.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Child Custody in Colorado Springs

I plan to move out of state, do I have to file a motion?

Yes, if you plan on moving out of state and already have a parenting plan with the other party you would have to request to modify the parenting plan. Learn more about requesting a child custody modification.

How do I prove I am the father of an alleged child?

To establish paternity the father must sign the birth certificate as the father of the child or have a paternity test established by the court or child support agency. Learn more about establishing paternity in Colorado Springs.

What can I do if the other parent is not following the parenting plan?

You can enforce parenting time by filing a motion with the court. The court will then help make up your parent time or require the other party to adhere to a new parenting time that would work best for the child, in some cases the parent denying child support may also be responsible for paying legal fees acquired for having to go to court to enforce an order. Learn more about parenting time in Colorado.

Our Compassionate Approach to
Child Custody Cases in Colorado Springs

Going through a child custody case is never easy but it can be made easier if you have an experienced lawyer on your side. A good child custody lawyer will know what to look out for and how to best present the case in court. Finding a qualified Colorado Springs family law attorney is essential when going through this type of situation. They provide vital legal representation as well as emotional support every step of the way.


An experienced lawyer does not want to waste your time or money by engaging in unnecessary conflict. Instead, they will work to guide you through the process, making sure that your time and money are not wasted on things that don’t matter or won’t end up helping your case. The law is complicated but experienced custody lawyers know exactly what they’re doing so their clients have a good chance at succeeding with less hassle involved along the way.


We understand that family matters can be expensive and fueled by emotion. We are proud to offer a number of ways to help pay for our service. One is our innovative SimpleStart™ Program. Qualify to reduce the initial cost needed upfront and simply pay the client’s bill every two weeks. Contact us to learn about our other payment options and how our child custody attorneys in Colorado Springs can help you.

Our Colorado Springs Office Location

Additional Child Custody Practice Areas

Custody cases reshape a family. Sometimes a case renders one family into two, and other times the contours expand to two separate homes.  As we work through what the future looks like for our clients, we keep the word “family” in mind to focus us on the children.

Our Compassionate Approach to
Child Custody Cases in Colorado Springs

Going through a child custody case is never easy but it can be made easier if you have an experienced lawyer on your side. A good child custody lawyer will know what to look out for and how to best present the case in court. Finding a qualified Colorado Springs family law attorney is essential when going through this type of situation. They provide vital legal representation as well as emotional support every step of the way.


An experienced lawyer does not want to waste your time or money by engaging in unnecessary conflict. Instead, they will work to guide you through the process, making sure that your time and money are not wasted on things that don’t matter or won’t end up helping your case. The law is complicated but experienced custody lawyers know exactly what they’re doing so their clients have a good chance at succeeding with less hassle involved along the way.


We understand that family matters can be expensive and fueled by emotion. We are proud to offer a number of ways to help pay for our service. One is our innovative SimpleStart™ Program. Qualify to reduce the initial cost needed upfront and simply pay the client’s bill every two weeks. Contact us to learn about our other payment options and how our child custody attorneys in Colorado Springs can help you.

Our Colorado Springs
Office Location

1755 Telstar Drive

Additional Child Custody
Practice Areas

Custody cases reshape a family. Sometimes a case renders one family into two, and other times the contours expand to two separate homes.  As we work through what the future looks like for our clients, we keep the word “family” in mind to focus us on the children.

Meet Our Team Of Experienced
Colorado Springs Child Custody Attorneys

divorce lawyer

Craig Valentine
Managing Partner
Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs Senior Attorney Chelsea Hillman

Chelsea Hillman
Senior Attorney
Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs family lawyer

Kresten Hendrix
Associate Attorney
Colorado Springs, CO

See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Child Custody Attorney’s In Colorado Springs

Arella Parmer
21:29 28 Feb 25
Craig Valentine was super helpful. He explained what I needed to know and was able to put my mind at ease. Even after having a busy day he made sure he called me back the same day.
18:58 28 Feb 25
Very efficient, gave me the correct information I needed.
Johanna was very informative and thoughtful. I would recommend anyone to seek her advice in family law.
Crow Damagd
13:54 27 Feb 25
Whitney Wehrkamp
16:33 26 Feb 25
Amazing consult with Johanna. Highly recommend!
Alberta Sanchez
00:28 14 Feb 25
My attorney was Kresten Hendrix, and he was very professional and truly cared about our situation. He is passionate about his clients and their well-being. I'd recommend him to everyone and anyone. Very nice and knows his job well.
Amanda Deeter
23:45 12 Feb 25
I worked with Kris Freeman and Craig Valentine. Both were extremely expeditious. I reached out and got a response the same day, scheduled a call that afternoon and Kris was working on my case by that day. It was a time-sensitive matter that had caused me a great deal of stress. They both handled my case quickly, efficiently and most importantly, effectively. I couldn't be happier with their service and professionalism.
Bernie Jesik
18:02 19 Jan 25
Christine Salamon and Patricia Wallace were outstanding in handling my case. They were very professional, compassionate and very prompt in all matters. I would highly recommend Modern Family Law if you should ever need a family attorney.
trinidad martinez
22:40 20 Dec 24
Jackie was absolutely amazing in assisting me and I highly recommend contacting her and this firm if you have issues. 100% friendly and very attentive to my specific issue. She/they are amazing and I wouldn’t look anywhere else if the need should arise. I have the utmost respect for and confidence in her abilities as counsel!
Dawn Burns
22:54 26 May 22
Jackie Collins!!! What an angel. We had the best experience with her on our side. I could not have ask for a better Attorney and Paralegal Laura. Jackie and I seemed to have a bond with our first conversation. You are blessed in so many ways if you get Jackie on your side. Jackie is truly caring, compassionate and genuine. She has a special way of boosting your spirit when it is low or you are stressed. She works non stop for all her clients. Jackie and Laura will go above and beyond for you and your case. They listen and get results. We love you Jackie. 😍😘😊 Thank you Craig for referring me to the BEST. She was and is the perfect fit.
Mickey Gerard
14:52 04 May 22
I highly recommend Modern Family Law to anyone needing legal representation for civil cases. Craig and Patricia were extremely professional and very responsive to my questions. They always kept me informed on any updates involving my cases. Knowing that I was being represented by Craig, I felt confident about achieving a positive outcome on what I had felt were daunting legal challenges. Fortunately I was able to have my case settled before needing to battle it out in court.
Elizabeth Ruch
23:24 29 Apr 22
We had a great experience working with Chelsea and Patricia during a very stressful time trying to get emergency and then permanent guardianship for an unrelated minor. Chelsea took the time to educate me during my first call whereas other offices refused to give me any helpful information without a retainer. That is why I went with her. They made it super easy to communicate and always responded promptly. We hope to not need them again, but I would use them again and would recommend them to anyone with custody or guardianship issues.
Michelle Firebaugh
23:14 13 Apr 22
Kresten Hendrix has been so very helpful on two very important family law matters in my family. He is very kind, interested and down to earth. I recommend him all the time when someone asks about getting an attorney.
Tiffany R
16:47 13 Apr 22
I am really happy with my legal team at Modern Family Law. Jackie and Laura were fantastic. I hired Jackie Collins just 2 weeks away from my court date, but she took on my case and immediately got to work. Right from our first conversation I could tell she really cared about my case and my son. She was kind, compassionate, professional and I really felt heard. Though we didn’t get the exact result we wanted she did better my situation and honestly it’s all I could have asked for because I gave her a really difficult case. She was ridiculously thorough, prepared and was just amazing in court! I’m so thankful I had her in my corner. Thank you Jackie. Thank you so much.

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Additional Resources About
Colorado Springs Child Custody

Which Child Custody Expert Right For You

Selecting a Child Custody Expert

If you’re in the middle of a hotly contested child custody battle, you may need to seek the help of a professional child custody expert to establish a plan.

Mother protecting daughter

Parenting Time in Colorado

Parenting time outlines a parenting schedule as well as the duties associated with a parent’s time. Learn about these arrangements here.

Ultimate 50/50 Parenting Plan Guide

Ultimate 50/50 Parenting Plan Guide

Divorced parents need to create a parenting plan to best suit their children. Here are some tips, apps, and plans to help parents create a schedule.

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