Family law clients have a significant degree of control over attorney fees incurred within their cases. The biggest factor in the overall cost of divorce is conflict. If a client manages the level of conflict, carefully picking and choosing their battles, it will have a big impact on the cost of the case. Divorce can already be financially stressful and decreasing conflict is one way to keep the costs down. Don’t get caught overpaying attorney fees.
There’re many other ways clients can minimize the costs of a case. For example, hiring an experienced team or attorney decreases the additional learning time that gets billed to the client. An experienced firm reduces the overall time and cost of any case.
Another simple, yet important way a client can decrease cost is to consolidate their communications with a lawyer. Communicating in a logical, systematic way helps reduce the nickel-and-dime effect. Contacting an attorney with a list of questions and concerns is the most effective way to move through a case. When communicating with an attorney, don’t use them as a therapist. The best lawyers keep their attention on the strategic objectives within the case and away from arguments about fault. Highly emotional conflict can impede on the progress of the case and hinder focus. An attorney needs to know all the facts but involving them in the day-to-day struggles can quickly get expensive.
Finally, recognizing the impact a successful mediation has on the overall cost of the case can significantly lower the overall expenses. If the parties are able to avoid a hearing, they should. Otherwise, lawyers spend several hours preparing witnesses, exhibits, and arguments that cost the client time and money.