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Jenny has a long history of passionately representing her clients in a variety of legal areas, including family law, military law, criminal law, and general civil litigation.

She began her career as an attorney in the United States Air Force as an Assistant Judge Advocate.  As a JAG, Jenny served with distinction, assisting airmen with diverse legal issues, advising commanders, handling administrative hearings, and prosecuting criminal cases.

After separating from the Air Force, Jenny focused her passion on serving the people of the state of Colorado as a Deputy District Attorney in El Paso, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties, taking a particular interest in standing up for and giving a voice to victims of Domestic Violence.

In private practice, Jenny’s dedication to advocacy has endured.  Before turning to Family Law, she helped clients navigate a variety of civil and criminal issues from establishing guardianships for an aging parent to defending DUIs.

Now, Jenny is bringing her wealth of experience and compassion to Modern Family Law to guide her clients in all areas of family law.

Interesting Facts

Jenny is a Colorado native.  She has four children, a dog, and three cats.  She loves spending time in the mountains, hiking and camping.  She is also an artist, who enjoys watercolor painting, cake decorating, and costume design.

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