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Washington Child Support Calculator

Want More Than
An Estimate?

Our experienced family law attorneys understand that no case is the same. We encourage you to reach out and share the details of your case with them so they can provide you with a better idea of your unique child support costs.

Use of our calculators does not constitute legal advice. We do not guarantee that the results will be the same as other programs, nor accept any liability from your use of a calculator. Modern Family Law has done extensive testing to ensure accuracy, however, we make no representations that the results will be the same in court. You should always hire your own lawyer to determine accurate, customized results. Because of frequent changes in State statutes and case law relating to the functioning of these calculators, Modern Family Law and any and all persons or entities involved in any way in preparation of our website disclaim all responsibility for the legal effects or consequences of the interpretation of the information provided.

Washington Child Support Locations

Washington Child
Support Calculator

Want More Than
An Estimate?

Our experienced family law attorneys understand that no case is the same. We encourage you to reach out and share the details of your situation with them so they can provide you with a better idea of your unique child support costs.

Use of our calculators does not constitute legal advice. We do not guarantee that the results will be the same as other programs, nor accept any liability from your use of a calculator. Modern Family Law has done extensive testing to ensure accuracy, however, we make no representations that the results will be the same in court. You should always hire your own lawyer to determine accurate, customized results. Because of frequent changes in State statutes and case law relating to the functioning of these calculators, Modern Family Law and any and all persons or entities involved in any way in preparation of our website disclaim all responsibility for the legal effects or consequences of the interpretation of the information provided.


Attorney Fees
Child Support Selected
Assets & Debts
Parenting Time

Modern Family Law
Washington Child Support

At Modern Family Law our goal is to find the best solution for you and your family. Our family law attorneys take their time to listen to your case and handle it as effectively as possible. We understand that child support can be scary, stressful, and devastating. With that in mind, our attorneys approach each case with empathy and integrity to help guide our clients through these difficult times.


When we approach a child support case there are many factors to consider. Among these factors includes the number of overnights, health insurance costs, relative income of the parents, and some education-related expenses.


Factors important to calculating child support are often not as clear as we would like. For example, a parent’s income may be hard to determine based on their status as a stay-at-home parent, or because they receive bonuses, or overtime, or are independent contractors instead of W-2 employees. Our attorneys are ready to listen to the specifics of your case and to help you understand your best course of action. Call us today or schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys.

Schedule A FREE Consultation!

Modern Family Law
Washington Child Support

At Modern Family Law our goal is to find the best solution for you and your family. Our family law attorneys take their time to listen to your case and handle it as effectively as possible. We understand that child support can be scary, stressful, and devastating. With that in mind, our attorneys approach each case with empathy and integrity to help guide our clients through these difficult times.


When we approach child support there are many factors to consider. Among these factors includes the number of overnights, health insurance costs, relative income of the parents, and some education-related expenses.


Factors important to calculating child support are often not as clear as we would like. For example, a parent’s income may be hard to determine based on their status as a stay-at-home parent, or because they receive bonuses, or overtime, or are independent contractors instead of W-2 employees. Our attorneys are ready to listen to the specifics of your case and to help you understand your best course of action. Call us today or schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys.

Modern Family Law Compassionate Innovative Respected

Our Attorneys Are
Ready To Listen

Our experienced family law attorneys have the knowledge, resources, and dedication to prepare your case and protect your interests to find the best possible outcome.

Additional Resources About
Child Support

A General Overview of Child Support in Colorado

A General Overview of Child Support

Child support is a common issue in a divorce case with kids. Understanding the facts about custody will help you make the right decisions.

Child Support Issues

Learn About Child Support Issues

Even though child support may be a simple transfer of funds from one parent to the other, there may be other child support issues affecting your life.


10 Things To Know About Failing To Pay Child Support

Understanding the repercussions of failing to pay child support in Washington.

Additional Resources About
Child Support

A General Overview of Child Support in Colorado

A General Overview of Child Support

Child support is a common issue in a divorce case with kids. Understanding the facts about custody will help you make the right decisions.

Child Support Issues

Child Support Issues

Even though child support may be a simple transfer of funds from one parent to the other, there may be other child support issues affecting your life.


10 Things To Know About Failing To Pay Child Support

Understanding the repercussions of failing to pay child support in Washington.