When couples with children decide to divorce, they’re often challenged by their new post-divorce relationship. And if the relationship ends contentiously, forming a workable parenting plan can prove difficult.
For these parents, it’s easy to forget that the ultimate objective should be to provide kids with an easy transition to their new lives while allowing the child to grow with guidance and support from both parents. With a few simple steps, these parents can bridge their differences and start living a normal life again. It’s important to note that family law lexicon is constantly changing, and for good reason. States like California and Colorado no longer use terms like “alimony” or “custody”, because these terms often possess negative connotations like ownership.
Instead, Colorado, California & Texas courts and legislature encourage the legal industry and families to use words like spousal maintenance instead of alimony and parental responsibility and decision making instead of custody. At the very least, you’ll need to know this new terminology to better understand what’s happening in your court proceedings.